‘…the snowflakes tumbling from the skies like clumsy, half-frozen bumble bees out of a freezer up in the cloud. There was something in him still that reminded him of the kindness of people, and he let one or two of these snowflakes alight on his hand, and they melted and ceased to exist. How sad, he thought to himself, how just, and yes, how poetic. And he recalled once upon a time being a poet, and that’s when he decided to capture and keep them.’
Withdrawn from the world and searching for a purpose to his existence, The Snowflake Collector discovers a way to communicate his understanding of snowflakes, and in the process reconciles himself with the universe.
EDEN miniatures are twelve texts from EDEN by FREI – a concept narrative in the here & now about the where, the wherefore and forever, originally published online at EDENby FREI.net
1: Barely the End of October
2: His Task Would Be Immense
3: ‘I Need to Know How to Collect Snowflakes’
4: And He Had Many Memories
5: He Had Abandoned the Notion of ‘Hurry’
6: A Snowflake Not Unlike Him
7: Every Day Brought New Gifts Now
8: It Was, in Every Imaginable Sense, a Disaster
9: So as Not to Chase Away its Wonder
10: George
11: He Was, Now More Than Ever, His Own Man
12: There Was Nothing Now But the Snow