Auteur: Frieda Ekotto

Frieda Ekotto is Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, and Comparative Literature and Francophone Studies at the University of Michigan. Kenneth W. Harrow is Distinguished Professor of English at Michigan State University. He is author of Trash: African Cinema from Below (IUP, 2013).

2 Ebooks door Frieda Ekotto

Kenneth W. Harrow & Frieda Ekotto: Rethinking African Cultural Production
Frieda Ekotto, Kenneth W. Harrow, and an international group of scholars set forth new understandings of the conditions of contemporary African cultural production in this forward-looking volume. Arg …
Frieda Ekotto: Race and Sex across the French Atlantic
Jean Genet’s masterpiece Les N_gres was first published in 1958, in the midst of the Algerian war, and first performed at the Th Z%tre de Lut_ce in Paris in October 1959. Yet even though the play is …