At the beginning of the 21st century, manufacturing industry is faced with new challenges stemming from globalization and the need for environmental sustainability. The progress of micro-/nano technology means that precision engineering is now considered to be one of the core disciplines necessary for coping with the sometimes severe requirements of new product and system development. From basic research to practical applications, advanced process-technological methods for the design and synthesis of micro-/nano-systems are becoming more and more important. This collection of papers includes high-quality papers for industrial and scientific sources, discusses leading-edge technologies and forecasts future trends. Topics covered include but are not limited to:
– advanced manufacturing systems,
– ultra-precision- and micro-machining,
– nanotechnology for fabrication and measurement,
– rapid prototyping and production technology,
– planning and scheduling for production and
From the contents
Keynote Papers: Merging Technologies for Optics.- Fast Tool Servos: Advances in Precision, Acceleration, and Bandwidth.- Microsystem Technologies for Automotive Applications.- Full Papers [A1 Design]: System Concept and Innovative Component Design for Ultra-Precision Assembly Processes.- Development of a Design Tool for Machine Tools Combining Conceptual Design Support and Detail Design Method.- Precision Contouring Control of Multi-Axis Feed Drive Systems.- Areal Gear Flank Description as a Requirement for Optical Gear Metrology.- [A2 System]: Detecting Perturbation Occurrence during Walking.- Supporting the Reuse of Parts Based on Operation Histories of Products and Preference of Consumers.- Multi-objective Reactive Scheduling Based on Genetic Algorithm.- [A3 Measurement].- Ultraprecision Wide-angle Profile Measurement with Air-bearing Cylinder Slant Probes.- Development of a Laser-Guided Deep-Hole Measuring System: Autocollimation System.- Development of an Optical Measuring Device for Rotation Accuracy of Micro-Spindle: Application to Measurements of a High-Speed Spindle.- Measurement of Involute Profile by Rolling of Artifact.- [A4 Actuator]: Study on Manufacturing Method to Reduce Cogging Torque of Motor with Separate Core.- A High Power and Precision Ultrasonic Linear Motor with Lateral Flexible Supports.- A Precise Motion Measurement of a Miniature Robot Driven by the Deformation of Piezoelectric Actuators.- Development of IVUS (Intra-Vascular Ultra-Sound) Driven by Ultrasonic Micro Motor -Principle of Drive and Detection Methods.- [A5 Precise mechanism]: Development of Membrane Driven Micropump -Principle of Microbubble Driving Mechanism and Prototype.- A 3-DOF Rotational Precision Positioning Stage using Spring-mounted PZT Actuators.- Active Damping of a Wafer Loading Robot using Piezoceramic Actuators.- [A6 Control/Sensing]: Visual Feedback Control of a Micro Lathe.- An 8-Axis Robot Based Rough Cutting System for Surface Sculpturing.- A New Position Surveying System for the Underground Pipes Using Two Rotary Encoders.- [A7 Machine tools]: Measurement of Cutting Torque by Speed Increasing Spindle.- Diamond Turning using Water Drive Spindle.- Development and Evaluation of a High-Precision Machining Center with Friction-Less Drives.- Machining Feature-Driven 5-Axis CNC Machine Tools.- [B1 Micro structure]: Selective Anodising Technologies for Obtaining Translucent Micro Structures.- Development of Rectangular Microblasting Nozzle.- Thick SU-8 Mask for Micro Channeling of Glass by using Micro Abrasive Jet Machining.- Fabrication of Self-assembled Microstructure using Controlled Liquid Spreading on Textured Surface.- [B2 Micro/Nano manipulation]: Improving Performance of Direct Photosynthetic/Metabolic Micro Bio Fuel Cell (DPBFC) by Gene Manipulation of Bacteria.- Nanometer Deflection Control of AFM Probe by Irradiating Polarized Laser and its Application to Nano-Structuring Process.- Investigation on Fabricating 3D Structures Using Inkjet Printing Technology.- Miniaturization of Dot Pattern by Metal Forming for Direct Marking of 2D Barcode Symbols.- [B3 Plasma process]: Plasma Etching Based Processes for the Fabrication of Micro Structured Linear Guide.- Ultraprecision Finishing of Photomask Substrate by Utilizing Atmospheric Pressure Plasma.
Over de auteur
Professor Kimura was a research associate at the Electrotechnical Laboratory of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry between 1974 an 1979 when he moved to the University of Tokyo as an associate professor. He has been a full Professor there since the late 1980s.
Professor Kimura is one of the pioneers in the field of solid modelling and CAD/CAM research. He has worked in solid modelling, free-form surface modelling and product modelling. Today his primary research area is Digital Engineering and Inverse Manufacturing (Environmentally Benign Manufacturing). His research interests now include the basic theory of CAD/CAM, concurrent engineering, engineering simulation, virtual manufacturing, total product life cycle modelling and management, reuse-oriented product/system design, and preventive maintenance. He is involved in the product model data exchange standardization activities of ISO/TC184/SC4, and is a national representative of ISO/TC184 and IFIP TC5, a member of IFIP WG5.2 and 5.3, and an active member of CIRP. He is chairman of the evaluation committee of the IMS Program under METI, the technical committee of the Inverse Manufacturing Forum, MSTC, and other governmental and public committees.
Professor Kimura has previously edited/written the following titles: Computer-Aided Tolerancing (0-412-72740-4), Geometric Modelling (0-7923-7538-6) and Rapid Product Development (0-412-81160-X).