In this edited volume, scholars from Latin America and the United States will analyze how US foreign policy making circles have applied the concepts to the creation of new US security initiatives in the Latin American region during the post September 11, 2001 era.
Table of Contents 1. Introduction; Gary Prevost and Harry Vanden 2. From the US Department of State, USAID, and Washington-based Think Tanks: The Search for Ungoverned Spaces in South America; Luiza R. Mateo and Aline P. dos Santos 3. United State and the Security Agenda in the Caribbean Basin After 9/11; Carlos Oliva Campos 4. The Militarization of US-Mexican Relations: Ungoverned Spaces and Failed State?; Jaime Precaido Coronado 5. Maras, Contragoverned Spaces and Sovereignty; Harry E. Vanden 6. Central America: Ungoverned Spaces and the National Security Policy of the United States; Ignacio Medina Núñez 7. Security Issues on the Mexico-Guatemala Border and their Relationship to the New National Security Policy of the United States; Daniel Villafuerte 8. Old Wine in New Wineskins: Incorporating the ‘Ungoverned Spaces’ Concept into Plan Colombia; John C. Dugas 9. United States Response to the Haitian Earthquake in the Context of the Concepts of Failed State and Ungoverned Spaces; Gary Prevost 10. Conclusion; Gary Prevost, Carlos Oliva, Luis Fernando Ayerbe and Harry Vanden
Over de auteur
Professor at University of South Florida