A book with an alarming message: we live dangerously by influencing and manipulating our neighbor, under the law of sowing and reaping. At the same time, we are a danger for our fellow people. As long as we think and act negatively, we are caught up in a network that consists of egoism, envy, resentment, lack of love and other faulty attitudes. It is the web of our ‘correspondences, ‘ into which we have spun ourselves, like a spider, waiting for its victims.
This book exposes what takes place among us human beings in terms of influencing and manipulation, and, at the same time, airs the veils that hide from our eyes what invisibly takes place on the Earth and in the realms of the souls as a result of our wrongful behavior. Yet this book also shows us how we can find our way out of our human entanglements.
An excerpt: ‘The ego of a person can influence another only for so long, until the other one no longer pays tribute to his own human ego and raises his consciousness more and more to God.’
Influencing and manipulating our neighbor by projecting our correspondences
The mixing board of programs. The computer ‘human being’ veils his true intentions
Our correspondences, our sins, our inputs are our character and our fate-as are the programs from our projections
Protection from influence: Recognize yourself; attain steadfastness in Christ, and turn to the positive forces. ‘What you do not want others to do to you …’
The character, behavior and body structure of a person are formed by his feelings, sensations, thoughts, words and actions. Programs that we set up today are components for future incarnations
No person is left helplessly at the mercy of his inputs, his correspondences, programs and their effects. Recognize yourself! Your conscience admonishes you
Everything is the law-either divine law or the law of our ego. Like attracts like
By transforming our ego-law and fulfilling the laws of God, we create a luminous picture of our existence and draw closer to the image of God. Our personal communications network emerges with the projection of mixed programs of correspondence
Through sin, the human being created and creates his individual perception. He sees and hears himself
The reciprocal imprinting of our senses and of our feelings, sensations, thoughts, words and actions shapes our behavior patterns.
Reactions lead to actions
The character portrait of a know-it-all. The one who takes in the opinions and concepts of another becomes a part of him; both are tied to each other
Every person has a share in the destruction of the Earth, of the nature kingdoms and of the atmosphere, and he will have to bear the consequences
The cup is full. Reincarnation-The key to the law of sowing and reaping
Forces that we emit through our thinking and living become effective in our fate. Is God just?
The day speaks to us. It shows us parts of our inputs that we can clear up. Desires in the will of the ego are reversed
Nothing happens by chance. Our correspondences mark us. Everyone is themself responsible for their own inputs
All of infinity is life and evolution. The forms of the nature kingdoms are degrees of consciousness in God’s stream of creation
A world-encompassing web of karma and a worldwide genetic chain
Telepathic influencing of one’s neighbor gives rise to the deed. Results of binding via projections in specific examples
The correlation between an outer posture and an inner bearing. Correspondences and weaknesses that lie hidden behind striking a pose
People with a high degree of actualization see through their neighbor. They work with the inner strength
On the path of the spiritualization of our soul and the illumination of our person, we find our way into the divine law of consonance, into the unity and communication with God
The law of correspondence envelops the truth and narrows a person’s field of vision-to his own well-being, to himself
How a person’s world of programs develops
Living in a world of pictures-Fulfillment of our desires through souls? The great danger in ‘harmless’ picture games
Every expression of life is preceded by a communication. By analyzing our world of feelings, we figure out what lies behind our emotions
We are guided together with every encounter, and this wants to tell us something. By honestly observing the world of our feelings and thoughts, we can dissolve bindings with the help of the Christ of God
‘Subdue the Earth’ does not mean: Exploit it, torture the animals, manipulate the plants.
The soul is attracted by its own stored inputs
The person who strives for the high spiritual ethics refines his senses and enters into communication with the law of God more and more
The one who seeks will find.