Auteur: Garret Martin

Christian Nuenlist is a lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Zurich and a foreign desk editor at the Swiss daily “Aargauer Zeitung.” He is the author of Kennedys rechte Hand (CSS, 1999), and the co-editor of Origins of the European Security System (Routledge, 2008). Anna Locher is a senior researcher at the Center for Security Studies at ETH Zurich. She co-edited Transforming NATO in the Cold War (Routledge, 2007) and Aspects of NATO History, 1957-75 (CSS, 2006). Garret Martin is editor at large with the European Institute, based in Washington, DC.

1 Ebooks door Garret Martin

Anna Locher & Garret Martin: Globalizing de Gaulle
French President Charles de Gaulle (1958-1969) has consistently fascinated contemporaries and historians. His vision_conceived out of national interest_of uniting Europe under French leadership and o …