Alyson J. K. Bailes, University of Iceland, Iceland Janusz Biene, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany Sven-Eric Fikenscher, John F. Kennedy School of Government, United States Carolin Goerzig, Virginia Commonwealth University, United States Volker M. Heins, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Germany Claudia Hofmann, American University in Washington D.C., United States Mattias Iser, Binghamton University, United States Lena Jaschob, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany Michelle Murray, Bard College, United States Stefan Oeter, University of Hamburg Law School, Germany Nicholas Onuf, Florida International University, United States Rebecca Richards, Lancaster University, United Kingdom Erik Ringmar, Lund University, Sweden Brad R. Roth, Wayne State University, United States Robert Smith, Coventry University, United Kingdom Reinhard Wolf, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
2 Ebooks door Georgios Kolliarakis
C. Daase & A. Geis: Recognition in International Relations
Recognition is a basic human need, but it is not a panacea to all societal ills. This volume assembles contributions from International Relations, Political Theory and International Law in order to s …
Christopher Daase & Stefan Engert: Politik und Unsicherheit
Unsicherheit ist zu einem zentralen Thema der Politik geworden: Sowohl das Ausmaß der neuen Bedrohungen als auch die Effektivität von Gegenmaßnahmen sind ungewiss. Der damit verbundene Wandel der Sic …