Beyond the Subject Gianni Vattimo offers a reading of Nietzsche and Heidegger that shows how the premises to overcome the metaphysical Subject were already embedded in their thought. Vattimo makes a case for a Nietzsche who is not concerned with the structure and glorification of the Overman, but rather with its opposite, by showing how it is the single individual who must see and accept his/her potential and then excel and develop an inner strength and ethic. He reads Heideg...
Translator’s Preface
Translator’s Introduction: The End(s) of Subjectivity and the Hermeneutic Task
Peter Carravetta
Author’s Preface: The Bottle, the Net, the R...
Over de auteur
Gianni Vattimo is Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Turin, Italy. He is the author of several books, including
The End of Modernity:...