What is the Aquarius Age and how will it affect our lives?
In this book, the author reveals the effects of the Zodiac’s movements on planet Earth. We are departing from the Pisces Age and entering the Aquarius Age. This new Age will officially take place during the years 2106 – 4212. The Aquarius Age-rays, which always arrive prior to the official Age, started in the year 1638, with an insight by the scientist Galileo Galilei, who discovered that Earth and the other eight planets circulate around the sun, which is contrary to what was understood at the time.
We are gradually departing from the Pisces Age…
Every age lasts 2106 years. The Pisces sign is water, an age rich in education, inventions, and technologies based on water, transportation on water, dams, using liquids and fuels as energy sources. It’s the age of men: divide and conquer with ego, control, wealth for individuals, consumer culture, corruptions, financial institutions, classes, monarchies, dictators, wars, borders, countries, states, and cities. It’s the age of religions and material spirituality.
…And entering the Aquarius Age.
Every age lasts 2106 years. The Aquarius sign is air, an age rich in advanced technologies based on air/gas pressure, aviation, and speed. It’s the age of women and united communities with world peace. An age of revealing the truth with fast justice, civil revolutions, which will bring the power back to the masses. An age of simplicity, love, compassion, responsibility, civilian unity, without borders nor religions but free faith, spiritual healers, and mediums, in which people will meet their Creators, the aliens.
The Aquarius Age is book #2 in the Gali Lucy Predictions Series:
Book #1: Divine Creation.
Book #2: The Aquarius Age.
Book #3: The Future: Based on the Ages theory.
Book #4: Messages from the Mystical Cards.
Book #5: Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning: A guidebook channeled through Anne-Marie Adelaide’s spirit.
Gali Lucy, Medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools. She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability. She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling.
Table of Contents
About me
Chapter 1: About the Ages
Chapter 2: The Age of the Pisces
The Age of religions
The sign of Pisces: Water
The Age of Man
Age of enlightenment and science
Development of art and culture
Competitive sports
Feeding the masses
The environment pollution
Power, money, and corruption
Borders, languages, weapons, & vaccines
Chapter 3: The Aquarius Age
Human freedom and free faith
The Aquarius: the air sign
Unity and human freedom
The Age of the Woman
Exposing the truth and doing justice
English the international language
The environment
Eating healthy, and adjusted
Control of population growth
Education and re-education
Future medicine
Comparison tables between ages
About the author
Over de auteur
Gali Lucy, Medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools. She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability. She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling. www.Gali4u.com