Auteur: Goutam Sanyal

Dr. Goutam Sanyal:  Received B.Tech and M.Tech from National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur, and Ph.D (Engg.) Jadavpur University, Kolkata, in Robot Manipulator Path Planning. He possesses an experience of more than 35 years in the field of teaching, research and administration. He has published more than 180 papers in International Journals and Conferences. He has guided 19 Ph.D scholars in Computer Science & Engineering Department in the area of Steganography, Wireless Sensor Network, Computer Vision, Natural language Processing. He has guided more than 40 PG and 300 UG theses. He has written a book in Computer Graphics and Multimedia and 8 Book chapters. He is a reviewer of reputed Journals (IET, ELSIEVER, SPRINGER, INDER SCIENCE and Transactions) and Conferences. He has filed one patent and delivered lecture and Session Chaired in Internal Conferences. He is teaching the following subject to UG and PG students: Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Image processing, VLSI, Computer Architecture. He visited abroad for research collaboration in University of New Castle and Cranfield in UK and NUS, Singapore. He is serving as Ph D thesis examiner of VTU, JNTU, OSMANIA University, Anna University, RPTU Bhopal and NITs. He has served as expert member of faculty selection of NITs, and other Universities. He has wide experience in working with different accreditation bodies. He has served as Dean (AA & RG), Dean (Students’ Welfare) and Dean (Faculty Welfare) in NIT Durgapur nearly 10 years and at present working as a Professor & Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. He is a regular Member of IEEE, Life Member of CSI and Fellow of IEI. Dr Sanyal received national awards and his Biography has been selected for inclusion in Marquis Who”s Who in the World 2016, 2017, 2018 Edition.   Carlos M. Travieso-González : received the M.Sc. degree in 1997 in Telecommunication Engineering at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain; and Ph.D. degree in 2002 at University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC-Spain). He is Full Professor on Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition and Head of Signals and Communications Department at ULPGC; teaching from 2001 on subjects on signal processing and learning theory. His research lines are biometrics, biomedical signals and images, data mining, classification system, signal and image processing, machine learning, and environmental intelligence. He has researched in 51 International and Spanish Research Projects, some of them as head researcher. He is co-author of 4 books, co-editor of 24 Proceedings Book, Guest Editor for 8 JCR-ISI international journals and up to 24 book chapters. He has over 440 papers published in international journals and conferences (72 of them indexed on JCR – ISI – Web of Science). He has published 7 patents in Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. He has been supervisor on 8 Ph D Thesis (12 more are under supervision), and 130 Master Thesis. He is founder of The IEEE IWOBI conference series and President of its Steering Committee, of The Inno Educa TIC conference series; and of The APPIS conference series. He is evaluator of project proposals for European Union (H2020), Medical Research Council (MRC – UK), Spanish Government (ANECA – Spain), Research national Agency (ANR – France), DAAD (Germany), Argentinian Government and Colombian Institutions.  He has been reviewer in different indexed international journals s (^S 2018 General Chair, Inno Educa TIC 2017 General Chair, IEEE-IWOBI 2017 General Chair, IEEE-IWOBI 2015 General Chair, Inno Educa TIC 2014 General Chair, IEEE-IWOBI 2014 General Chair, IEEE-INES 2013 General Chair, No LISP 2011 General Chair, JRBP 2012 General Chair and IEEE-ICCST 2005 Co-Chair. He is Associate Editor on Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience journal (Hindawi – Q2 JCR-ISI). He was Vice-Dean from 2004 to 2010 in Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineers in ULPGC; and Vice-Deanof Graduate and Postgraduate Studies from March 2013 to November 2017. He won “Catedra Telefonica” Awards in Modality of Knowledge Transfer, in the editions 2017, 2018 and 2019.   Dr. Shashank Awasthi is a Ph.D. degree holder in Computer Science & Engineering. He is M.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering from Dr. APJ Kalam Technical university, Lucknow and MCA from Dr. BR Ambedkar University Agra. Dr. Awasthi is presently working in G.L.Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Gautam Budha Nagar (India) as Professor in CSE department. His area of interest is WSN, Computer Networks. He is having more than 18 years of teaching and research experience. Dr. Awasthi was invited as Plenary Speaker in  The 4th International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering 2019 (RICE 2019) August 8-9, 2019  at Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam ( Ha UI). He has been attended & presented his research paper in international conferences.He has published approx. 30 papers in international journals/ conference of repute. He is having membership of IEEE, International Association of Engineers, Hong Kong. He has delivered lecture and Session Chaired in Internal Conferences. He is a member of Editorial Board of various reputed International Journals. Dr. Awasthi has Visited more than 8 countries for research purpose. He is certified by Aps Germany, Center for Mechatronics, for Industrial robotics under Indo Euro Synchronization.   Dinesh Kumar Singh received B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Kumaon Engineering College, Dwarahat, Almora in 2003. He has done M. Tech in Digital Communication from RGPV University, Bhopal, India. He has done Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India ISM, Dhanbad. His area of interest is microwave Engineering. He is currently working as an Associate professor in  Electronics and Communication Engineering Deptt., G LBajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida, UP, India. His research interest, include designing of high gain, compact, re-configurable, fractal-shape, circularly polarized microstrip antennas, substrate integrated wave-guide (SIW) and Magneto-Electric (ME) dipole antenna for modern communication system. He has been credited to publish more than 20 papers with various reputed International journals and conferences. He is also reviewer of the AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communication, Electronics Letter, etc.

5 Ebooks door Goutam Sanyal

Rajeev Agrawal & Valentina Emilia Balas: Cybersecurity in Emerging Digital Era
This book constitutes selected and revised papers from the First International Conference on Cybersecurity in Emerging Digital Era, ICCEDE 2020, held in Greater Noida, India, in October 2020. Due to …
Shashank Awasthi & Carlos M. Travieso-González: Artificial Intelligence for a Sustainable Industry 4.0
This book outlines the recent advancements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and addresses how useful it is in achieving truly sustainable solutions. The book also serves as a useful …
Goutam Sanyal & Carlos M. Travieso-González: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering
This book comprises select papers from the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering (AISE 2020). The volume focuses on the recent advancements in artificial int …
Goutam Sanyal & Carlos M. Travieso-González: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering
This book comprises select papers from the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering (AISE 2020). The volume focuses on the recent advancements in artificial int …
Shashank Awasthi & Goutam Sanyal: Sustainable Computing
This book presents recent advancements in Industry 4.0 and addresses how these can be useful in achieving sustainable solutions in Society 5.0. The book also serves as a reference for developing sust …