Auteur: Graziano Lingua

Mauro Carbone is Professor Emeritus of Aesthetics at the Lyon-3 University, France. A leading scholar in Merleau-Ponty, Screen and Visual Studies, he directs the International Research Group “Living Among and Through Screens.” His most recent book on this topic is Philosophy-Screens: From Cinema to Digital Revolution (2019). Graziano Lingua is Full Professor of Moral Philosophy, Head of the Philosophy and Educational Sciences Department at the University of Turin, Italy, and Co-Director of the Département Humanisme numérique at the Collège des Bernardins, Paris, France. His research is focused on the philosophy of images and public ethics.

4 Ebooks door Graziano Lingua

Mauro Carbone & Graziano Lingua: Toward an Anthropology of Screens
This book shows that screens don’t just distribute the visible and the invisible, but have always mediated our body’s relationships with the physical and anthropological-cultural environment. By comb …
Mauro Carbone & Graziano Lingua: Antropologia degli schermi
Gli schermi che ci circondano, che portiamo addosso o che addirittura stiamo diventando ci spingono a interrogarci sui loro rapporti col nostro corpo. Una novità assoluta per noi umani? Tutt’altro. E …