Chronology.- Background.- Brain and Mind in the ‘Long’ Eighteenth Century.- Enlightening Neuroscience: Microscopes and Microscopy in the Eighteenth Century.- Corpus Curricula: Medical Education and the Voluntary Hospital Movement.- Some Thoughts on the Medical Milieu in the Last Quarter of the Eighteenth Century as Reflected in the Life and Activities of James Parkinson (1755–1824).- The Nervous System.- John Hunter’s Contributions to Neuroscience.- William Cullen (1710–1790) and Robert Whytt (1714–1766) on the Nervous System.- 1710: The Introduction of Experimental Nervous System Physiology and Anatomy by François Pourfour du Petit.- Irritable Glue: The Haller–Whytt Controversy on the Mechanism of Muscle Contraction.- The Taming of the Electric Ray: From a Wonderful and Dreadful “Art” to “Animal Electricity” and “Electric Battery”.- Luigi Galvani, Physician, Surgeon, Physicist: From Animal Electricity to Electro-Physiology.- Brain and Behaviour.- The Vision of William Porterfield.- David Hartley’s Neural Vibrations and Psychological Associations.- Charles Bonnet’s Neurophilosophy.- Swedenborg and Localization Theory.- Medical Theories and Applications.- Neuroscience in the Work of Boerhaave and Haller.- Apoplexy: Changing Concepts in the Eighteenth Century.- Benjamin Franklin and the Electrical Cure for Disorders of the Nervous System.- Gentleman’s Magazine, the Advent of Medical Electricity, and Disorders of the Nervous System.- Therapeutic Attractions: Early Applications of Electricity to the Art of Healing.- John Wesley on the Estimation and Cure of Nervous Disorders.- Franz Anton Mesmer and the Rise and Fall of Animal Magnetism: Dramatic Cures, Controversy, and Ultimately a Triumph for the Scientific Method.- Hysteria in the Eighteenth Century.- Cultural Consequences.- Technological Metaphors and the Anatomy of Representations in Eighteenth-Century French Materialism and Dualist Mechanism.- Explorations of the Brain, Mind and Medicine in the Writings of Jonathan Swift.- Temperament and the Long Shadow of Nerves in the Eighteenth Century.