The topic of achieving and assuring quality in every higher education institution continues to be both relevant and urgent worldwide. This volume presents a considered discussion of a range of facets of the issue, drawing on the findings of a 3 year EU research programme involving seven countries: Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Latvia, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia and the Netherlands. Topics include access, student assessment, governance, stakeholders, academic faculty, information and the interface between the secondary and tertiary sectors. The authors, all of whom are drawn from the research teams, explore particular aspects of the research objectives. These aim to identify the drivers and overcome the barriers to establishing high quality in both European higher education, in relation to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance and, by implication, in worldwide higher education.
Preface and Acknowledgements;Foreword; 1. Implementation and Translation: From European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance to Education Quality Work in Higher Education Institutions; 2. Policy Drivers and Barriers to Implementation: Contexts of Practice; 3. Questions of Access; 4. Academic Values and the Procedures of Quality Assurance; 5. Two Approaches to Quality Assurance: The ESG and Quality Management Concepts; 6. Changes in Governance: Do They Help Overcome Barriers to the Implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education?; 7. Stakeholders and Quality Assurance in Higher Education; 8. Information and Internal Quality Assurance in European and Slovak Higher Education Institutions; 9. Moving up: National Qualifications Frameworks, School-University Linkages and the Challenge of Transition from Secondary to Tertiary Education; The Czech Case: Students, Governance and the Interface with Secondary Education; 11. From Central Regulation to Quality Culture: The Latvian Case; 12. The Portuguese Case: New Public Management Reforms and the European Standards and Guidelines; 13. Opening up the Black Box: Drivers and Barriers in Institutional Implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines; Contributors.