Günter Lumer was an outstanding mathematician whose work has great influence on the research community in mathematical analysis and evolution equations. He was at the origin of the breath-taking development the theory of semigroups saw after the pioneering book of Hille and Phillips of 1957. This volume contains invited contributions presenting the state of the art of these topics and reflecting the broad interests of Günter Lumer.
Expansions in Generalized Eigenfunctions of the Weighted Laplacian on Star-shaped Networks.- Diffusion Equations with Finite Speed of Propagation.- Subordinated Multiparameter Groups of Linear Operators: Properties via the Transference Principle.- An Integral Equation in Aero Elasticity.- Eigenvalue Asymptotics Under a Non-dissipative Eigenvalue Dependent Boundary Condition for Second-order Elliptic Operators.- Feynman-Kac Formulas, Backward Stochastic Differential Equations and Markov Processes.- Generation of Cosine Families on L p (0, 1) by Elliptic Operators with Robin Boundary Conditions.- Global Smooth Solutions to a Fourth-order Quasilinear Fractional Evolution Equation.- Positivity Property of Solutions of Some Quasilinear Elliptic Inequalities.- On a Stochastic Parabolic Integral Equation.- Resolvent Estimates for a Perturbed Oseen Problem.- Abstract Delay Equations Inspired by Population Dynamics.- Weak Stability for Orbits of C 0-semigroups on Banach Spaces.- Contraction Semigroups on L ?(R).- On the Curve Shortening Flow with Triple Junction.- The Dual Mixed Finite Element Method for the Heat Diffusion Equation in a Polygonal Domain, I.- Maximal Regularity of the Stokes Operator in General Unbounded Domains of ? n .- Linear Control Systems in Sequence Spaces.- On the Motion of Several Rigid Bodies in a Viscous Multipolar Fluid.- On the Stokes Resolvent Equations in Locally Uniform L p Spaces in Exterior Domains.- Generation of Analytic Semigroups and Domain Characterization for Degenerate Elliptic Operators with Unbounded Coefficients Arising in Financial Mathematics. Part II.- Numerical Approximation of Generalized Functions: Aliasing, the Gibbs Phenomenon and a Numerical Uncertainty Principle.- No Radial Symmetries in the Arrhenius-Semenov Thermal Explosion Equation.- Mild Well-posedness of Abstract Differential Equations.- Backward Uniqueness in Linear Thermoelasticity with Time and Space Variable Coefficients.- Measure and Integral: New Foundations after One Hundred Years.- Post-Widder Inversion for Laplace Transforms of Hyperfunctions.- On a Class of Elliptic Operators with Unbounded Time- and Space-dependent Coefficients in ? N .- Time-dependent Nonlinear Perturbations of Analytic Semigroups.- A Variational Approach to Strongly Damped Wave Equations.- Exponential and Polynomial Stability Estimates for the Wave Equation and Maxwell’s System with Memory Boundary Conditions.- Maximal Regularity for Degenerate Evolution Equations with an Exponential Weight Function.- An Analysis of Asian options.- Linearized Stability and Regularity for Nonlinear Age-dependent Population Models.- Space Almost Periodic Solutions of Reaction Diffusion Equations.- On the Oseen Semigroup with Rotating Effect.- Exact Controllability in L 2(?) of the Schrödinger Equation in a Riemannian Manifold with L 2(?1)-Neumann Boundary Control.