This book by Vietnamese and Russian authors is the first of its kind and combines the extensive knowledge on the petrology and metallogeny of the late Paleozoic – early Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods in North Vietnam. The Permian – Triassic and Paleogene volcano-plutonic and plutonic associations are two important geological events in the evolutionary history of Southeast Asia, including the 260 – 250 Ma Emeishan mantle plume and Indian-Eurasia collision at 60 – 55 M.
The volume includes 9 chapters, divided into 3 parts. Part 1 introduces the geological structure of North Vietnam; Part 2 covers the Permian – Triassic magma associations and metallogeny; and Part 3 focuses on the Cenozoic magma associations and metallogeny.
In each chapter, the geological setting of magmas, classification of different geological structures, and composition characteristics, such as mineralogy, geochemistry, isotope systematics and geochronology are discussed.
This book represents an important reference document for international and Vietnamese geologists engaged in the geological history and metallogeny of Vietnam, an important area of the Asian continent. The monograph also has a practical significance in contributing new premises and to assess rare and precious mineral prospects. In addition, it can be regarded as a necessary data base for petrological and metallogenic projects and university courses.
Tectonic structures and magmatism of North Vietnam.- Permian-Triassic magmatism in the Song Da rift.- Peermian-Triassic volcano-plutonic and plutonic associations and complexes of Tu Le rift and Phan Si Pan uplift.- Permian-Triassic volcano-plutonic associations and complexes of the Song Hien rift.- Permian-Triassic gabbroid, granite and syenite intrusions of the Lo Gam structure in the Northeast Vietnam.- Metallogeny related to Permian-Triassic magmas.- Paleogene pre-kinematic ultrapotassic volcano-plutonic associations in the Song Da rift.- Cenozoic syn-kinematic magmatism in the Phan Si Pan uplift and Red River shear zone.- Cenozoic Metallogeny.