In high power, high voltage electronics systems, a strategy to
manage short timescale energy imbalances is fundamental to the
system reliability. Without a theoretical framework, harmful local
convergence of energy can affect the dynamic process of
transformation, transmission, and storage which create an
unreliable system.
With an original approach that encourages understanding of both
macroscopic and microscopic factors, the authors offer a solution.
They demonstrate the...
About the authors
1. Power Electronic Device, Circuit, Topology, and Control
1.1 Power Electronics
1.2 The Evolution of Power Device Technology
1.3 Power ...
Over de auteur
Hua Bai, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
Dr Hua Bai received B.S. and Ph.D degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 2002 an...