Auteur: Indrajit Pal

Indrajit Pal is an assistant professor in Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. He served as a faculty member at the Centre for Disaster Management at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, India (a premier national institute for training Indian administrative services officers) for more than 8 years. Dr. Pal holds a Ph.D. in Seismotectonic and Earthquake Hazard Assessment, and two master’s degrees, one in applied geology and another in sociology with a specialization in urban sociology. He has more than 14 years of experience in teaching, training, research, curriculum development, advocacy, consultancy primarily focused on disaster governance, risk management (DRM), incident command systems, disaster risk eduction (DRR), hazard and risk assessment, GIS and remote sensing in DRM, climate change adaptation, and DRM. Dr. Pal is working with international organizations on various aspects of DRR andsupervising doctoral and master’s degree research students in the field of DRM. He is a reviewer for reputed international journals and has published a number of books and research articles in refereed national and international journals. In 2017 Dr. Pal was been recognized as an IRDR Young Scientist by Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, Beijing, China.  Rajib Shaw is a professor of Keio University at its Shonan Fujisawa Campus in Japan. Earlier, he was the executive director of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), a decade-long research program co-sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC), and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). He is the co-chair of the UNISDR Asia Science Technology Academic Advisory Group (ASTAAG). Dr. Shaw is also a senior fellow of the Institute of Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Japan and the chairperson of SEEDS Asia, a Japanese NGO. Previously, he was a professor in the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies of Kyoto University, Japan. His expertise includes community-based disaster risk management, climate change adaptation, urban risk management, and disaster and environmental education. He has published more than 40 books and more than 300 academic papers and book chapters.

11 Ebooks door Indrajit Pal

Indrajit Pal & Rajib Shaw: Disaster Risk Governance in India and Cross Cutting Issues
This book provides an analytical discussion of the status of disaster risk reduction and governance in an Indian context, drawing examples and lessons from the output of the national and regional lev …
Indrajit Pal & Jason von Meding: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability
This book includes selected papers presented at the international expert forum on “Mainstreaming Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction in Education, ” held at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thai …
Riyanti Djalante & Indrajit Pal: Disaster Resilience and Sustainability
Disasters undermine societal well-being, causing loss of lives and damage to social and economic infrastructures. Disaster resilience is central to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, e …
Indrajit Pal & Sreevalsa Kolathayar: Sustainable Cities and Resilience
This book presents the select proceedings of the Virtual Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (VCDRR 2021). It provides insights on urban resilience and sustainable infrastructure. All the chapters …
Sreevalsa Kolathayar & Chandan Ghosh: Resilient Infrastructure
This book presents the select proceedings of the Virtual Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (VCDRR 2021). This book discusses various relevant topics such as Disaster resilience and Infrastructure …
Sreevalsa Kolathayar & Indrajit Pal: Civil Engineering for Disaster Risk Reduction
The book is a comprehensive volume on multi-hazards and their management for a sustainable built environment. It focuses on the role of civil engineering in building disaster resilient society. This …
Indrajit Pal & Rajib Shaw: Pandemic Risk, Response, and Resilience
Pandemic Risk, Response, and Resilience: COVID-19 Responses in Cities Around the World examines the pandemic’s global impacts on public health, economies, society and labor. The book shows how COVID- …
Takako Izumi & Indrajit Pal: Safety and Resilience of Higher Educational Institutions
The world has spent the majority of 2020 enduring an unpreceded crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of this crisis has been enormous, and the situation has yet to be resolved. It is st …
Yonariza & Indrajit Pal: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development
This, conference proceeding, book contains invited articles and contributory papers from the 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development, organized by Asian Institu …
Indrajit Pal & Sreevalsa Kolathayar: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development
This, conference proceeding, book contains invited articles and contributory papers from the 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development, organized by Asian Institu …
Indrajit Pal & Rajib Shaw: Multi-Hazard Vulnerability and Resilience Building
Multi-hazard Vulnerability and Resilience Building: Cross Cutting Issues presents multi-disciplinary issues facing disaster risk reduction and sustainable development, focusing on various dimensions …