Turgenev’s first novel (1857) established some of the author’s favorite themes, including the fate of the intellectual but ineffective “superfluous man, ” and the self-conscious woman now known to literature as “the Turgenev maid.” This intense love story reflects Russian society in the wake of the Crimean War, as well as the author’s life. English translation by Constance Garnett.
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Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (1818-1883) was born to the landed aristocracy. As an adult he spent most of his time in Baden-Baden, Germany and Paris, France. A contemporary and rival of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, his works include A Sportsman’s Sketches, A Month in the Country, First Love, Diary of a Superfluous Man, Torrents of Spring, Fathers and Sons and other landmarks of nineteenth-century Russian realism.