Auteur: J.b. Bury


7 Ebooks door J.b. Bury

J.b. Bury: History of the Later Roman Empire
THE first of these two volumes might be entitled the “German Conquest of Western Europe, ” and the second the “Age of Justinian.” The first covers more than one hundred and tw …
J.b. Bury: The Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians
THE present series of lectures is designed to give a broad and general view of the long sequence of the migratory movements of the northern barbarians which began in the third and fourth centuries A. …
J.b. Bury & A. W. Picard-Cambridge: The Ancient World
SALAMIS and Plataea settled that Persia should not expand into Europe. Her European conquests could no longer be held; in 479 she lost Sestos and the Hellespont, in 478 Byzantium and the Bosporus; wi …
J.b. Bury: The Ancient World
IN the period upon which we are about to enter, the peoples of south-west Asia, Egypt and south-east Europe were brought Into very close contact one with another. Peaceful trading-journeys, ambitious …
J.b. Bury: The Idea of Progress
We may believe in the doctrine of Progress or we may not, but in either case it is a matter of interest to examine the origins and trace the history of what is now, even should it ultimately prove to …
J.b. Bury: A History of Freedom of Thought
It is a common saying that thought is free. A man can never be hindered from thinking whatever he chooses so long as he conceals what he thinks. The working of his mind is limited only by the bounds …
Henry Bradley & J.b. Bury: The Dark Ages Collection
The Dark Ages is a historical periodization traditionally referring to the Middle Ages, that asserts that a demographic, cultural, and economic deterioration occurred in Western Europe following the …