Auteur: Jane Rigney Battenberg DCH MA

Jane Rigney Battenberg, DCH, MA has more than twenty-five years of experience as a therapist, trainer, and author, and she has a doctorate in clinical hypnotherapy, a master of arts degree in teaching, and certification as a master trainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP); she has also trained in such ancient arts as Huna, Reiki, and Lomilomi. Her earlier book, Eye Yoga: How You See Is How You Think, provides techniques for awakening deep brain capacities and improving eyesight, and she gives workshops and counsels clients in the United States and Europe. Today Dr. Battenberg lives with her husband in Oregon, and you can learn more about her on her website:

1 Ebooks door Jane Rigney Battenberg DCH MA

Jane Rigney Battenberg DCH MA: Change Within, Change the World
Humanity and life on planet Earth are quickly approaching the make-or-break point, and the generations who have long worked for change—as well as today’s courageous young people—are frustrated by wha …