Monastic Wales – new approaches is an interdisciplinary collection of essays written by some of the leading scholars working on aspects of medieval Welsh history. The chapters in this volume consider the history, archaeology, architecture and wider cultural, social, political and economic context of the religious houses of Wales between the Norman conquest in the eleventh century, and the dissolution of the monasteries in the sixteenth.
Introduction Janet Burton and Karen Stober Part I: Foundation, Transition and Transformation 1 The Archaeology of Monasteries in Wales and the Strata Florida Project David Austin 2 Transition and Transformation: the Benedictine Houses Janet Burton 3 Culdees to Canons: the Augustinian Houses of North Wales Karen Stober and David Austin 4 Monasteries and Urban Space in Medieval Welsh Towns Jens Rohrkasten Part II: State Building, Authority and Power 5 The Medieval Grants to Strata Florida Abbey: Mapping the Agency of Lordship Jemma Bezant 6 The Rulers of Gwynedd and Powys David Stephenson 7 Monastic Burial in Medieval Wales Andrew Abram Part III: Movement and Social Interaction 8 Pilgrimage Kathryn Hurlock 9 Travel and Communication Jemma Bezant 10 The Knights Hospitaller Helen Nicholson 11 Wales and Ireland: Monastic Links Arlene Hogan Part IV: Cultural Identity and Production 12 Monastic Patronage of Welsh Poetry Dafydd Johnston 13 Abbess Annes and the Ape Jane Cartwright 14 Manuscripts and the Monasteries Ceridwen Lloyd Morgan 15 Space in context: Interpretations of claustral spaces in Wales with special reference to Cistercian dormitories Anne Muller Bibliography