Auteur: Jennifer Hancock

David M. Wasieleski is an associate professor in the Palumbo-Donahue School of Business at Duquesne University, and chair of the Management and Marketing Department. David completed his doctorate in Business Environment and Public Policy in the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. He received a BA in Economics and a Certificate Degree in Accounting from Pitt, and an MBA from Duquesne University.His academic research focuses on natural science approaches to understanding ethical decision-making and the formation of social contracts within organizational contexts. He also studies the effects of cognitive biases and moral intensity on perceptions of ethical issues. His work has been published in Business & Society, Business Ethics Quarterly, and the Journal of Business Ethics. His article (with

25 Ebooks door Jennifer Hancock

Jennifer Hancock: Applied Humanism
This book provides a short introduction to the philosophy of humanism and discusses how and why it is being applied to business and why it is so effective when you do so. You can’t understand humanis …
Jennifer Hancock: L”Approccio Umanistico alla Felicità
Saresti meravigliato di scoprire come può essere semplice la vita se fai dall”etica una priorità! Questo libro ti sta praticamente dicendo: questa è l”etica personale e&#xa …
Jennifer Hancock: La Vacuna Contra el Bullying: Como Inocularte tú Mismo Contra la Gente Abusiva
Este libro está diseñado para ayudar a los padres a vacunar a sus hijos contra los matones y otras personas abusivas. Si te preparas para ellos de antemano, puedes inocularse eficazmente tú mismo con …
Jennifer Hancock: Il vaccino contro i bulli
Ogni genitore si preoccupa che il proprio figlio diventi vittima del bullismo. E per una buona ragione. Ad un certo punto, la maggior parte dei bambini sarà vittima di bullismo. Per troppo tempo la p …
Jennifer Hancock: A Vacina AntiBullying
Este livro foi projetado para ajudar os pais a vacinar seus filhos contra valentões e outras pessoas ignorantes e desagradáveis. Ao preparar-se para elas com antecedência, você pode se imunizar …
Jennifer Hancock: Planning for Personal Success: A Humanist Approach
Learn how to stay focused and not give up when you hit a roadblock on your road to success!This book discusses how Humanists approach the important business of living a life that is fully realized an …