Combining theory and history with an active approach rooted in self-reflection, Multicultural Psychology applies a framework of self-awareness and social justice to foundational and current topics across Multicultural Psychology studies today. Multicultural Psychology focuses on identity and its social context to help students view culture not just as a minority issue, but a way of understanding all human experiences. Multicultural Psychology will help students apply concepts to their own lives at point of learning, to assess their own awareness and progress, and to consider their own role and ability to engage in social change. With this balanced approach, Multicultural Psychology helps students entering the course with varied levels of cultural and diversity awareness to understand their individual and social cultural contexts, to gain awareness of their interactions with others, and to understand the intersections that occur with other cultures across their lives and careers.
SECTION I: What is Multicultural Psychology?
Chapter 1: What is Multicultural Psychology?
Introduction to Multicultural Psychology
A History of Pathologizing
Is Science Always Objective? Research Issues Through a Multicultural Lens
Impact in Everyday Life
The Fourth Force
Important Definitions in Multicultural Psychology
A Broad Definition of Culture
Your Journey Into Multicultural Psychology
Chapter 2: Race: Historical Contexts and Contemporary Manifestations
Defining Race
Sociohistorical Context of our Contemporary World
Asian Americans
SECTION II: Individuals and Their Contexts
Chapter 3: Culture and Worldview
Cultural and Unique Experiences
Models of Worldview and Values
Worldviews in Day-to-Day Life
Implications of Different Worldviews
Chapter 4: Cultural Identity Development
An Ecological Approach
Identity Models
Intersectionality of Identity
Benefits of Developing a Healthy Ethnic and Racial Identity
Chapter 5: Our Racialized Social Context: Racism, Oppression, and Stereotyping
Racism: Impacts, Maintenance, and Education
Chapter 6: Whiteness
The Historical Context for the Construction of Whiteness
White Privilege
Anger, Guilt, and Shame
Using White Racial Identity to Deconstruct Whiteness
SECTION III: Lived Experiences and Social Influences
Chapter 7: Popular Culture, Social Media, Technology, and Representation
Pop Culture, the News, and the Implications of Representations
Social Media
Our Response
Chapter 8: Being a Person of Color
Cultural Appropriation
Specific Issues for Specific Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations
Chapter 9: Shades of Grey: Being a Biracial or Multiracial Person
History of Experience of Biracial People in the United States
Biracial Identity Development Models
Contextual and Environmental Influences of Identity Development
Common Themes in the Lives of Biracial Individuals
SECTION IV: Moving Ahead: Emerging Issues and Goals
Chapter 10: Multicultural Psychology in Different Settings
Multiculturalism in Schools
Multiculturalism in the Workplace
Multiculturalism in Psychology: Multicultural Counseling in Therapy
Multiculturalism Can Be Brought to All Contexts
Chapter 11: Looking to the Future: Becoming an Ally, Social Justice Work, and Emerging Issues
Social Justice
Critical Reflective Practice
Primary and Secondary Education
Family Messages
Thinking About Your Future in Your Field
Wholistic Cultural Reflexivity
About the Authors
Appendix: Multicultural Novels
Over de auteur
Dr. Denise Isom received her doctorate in Socio-Cultural Anthropology of Education from Loyola University, Chicago and is currently serving as Department Chair and Professor in Ethnic Studies. Her Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Multicultural Education along with a B.S. in Engineering and B.A. in African American Studies were all completed at the University of California at Davis. Dr. Isom’s areas of expertise includes, racialized gender identity, ethnic studies, whiteness, and sociology/anthropology of education. As a professor of Ethnic Studies she teaches courses that include, Race, Culture, and Politics in the U.S., The Social Construction of Whiteness, Gender and Sexualities in the African American Community, Research methods courses, and recently co-developed courses entitled, Beyoncé: Race, Feminism, and Politics, as well as, “Humor, Comedy, and the Politics of Identity.” Her current research agenda includes racialized gender identity and the racialized nature of congregational life. Her work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences, published in journals such as The Urban Review and The Journal of Race, Equality and Teaching, and in chapters on boy culture, teaching race, and African American Female Psychology and identity.