Auteur: Jessica Cory

JESSICA CORY teaches in the English studies department at Western Carolina University. She is the editor of Mountains Piled upon Mountains: Appalachian Nature Writing in the Anthropocene, and her writing has been published in the North Carolina Literary Review, North Dakota Quarterly, and Northern Appalachia Review. She lives in Sylva, North Carolina.

3 Ebooks door Jessica Cory

Laura Wright & Jessica Cory: Appalachian Ecocriticism and the Paradox of Place
Ecocriticism and Appalachian studies continue to grow and thrive in academia, as they expand on their foundational works to move in new and exciting directions. When researching these areas separatel …
Debra J. Rosenthal & Jason de Lara Molesky: Cli-Fi and Class
Since its emergence in the late twentieth century, climate fiction—or cli-fi—has concerned itself as much with economic injustice and popular revolt as with rising seas and soaring temperatures. In …
Elisabeth Aiken & M. Joseph Aloi: Appalachian Ecocriticism and the Paradox of Place
Ecocriticism and Appalachian studies continue to grow and thrive in academia, as they expand on their foundational works to move in new and exciting directions. When researching these areas separatel …