Jim O’Neill retired as Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management in April 2013. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1995, rising to chief economist, and in 2001 he led the team that conducted the original BRIC analysis. He is a non-executive director of the Department for Education and Employment, a member of the boards of the UK Royal Economic Society, Itinera and Bruegel, and also chairman of the charity SHINE. He has a lifelong passion for Manchester United FC, and has served as a non-executive director of the club’s board. He is the author of The Growth Map: Economic Opportunity in the BRICs and Beyond (Portfolio Penguin 2013).
5 Ebooks door Jim O Neill
Jim O’Neill: The BRIC Road to Growth
The idea that Brazil, Russia, India and China (the ‘BRICs’) are the rising stars of the world economy is now widely accepted. However, the ‘old’ developed nations have not adjusted to the new world o …
Jim O’Neill: Laus Deo: Selections From My Articles in Canada Free Press
A no-holds-barred collection of forty thought-provoking articles on recent events in America’s cultural, political, and religious affairs – with a decidedly conservative slant. …
Jim O’Neill: Laus Deo: Selections From My Articles in Canada Free Press
A no-holds-barred collection of forty thought-provoking articles on recent events in America’s cultural, political, and religious affairs. Includes "George Soros: Republic Enemy #1." …
Jim O’Neill: BRIC Road to Growth
The idea that Brazil, Russia, India and China (the "BRICs") are the rising stars of the world economy is now widely accepted. However, the "old" developed nations have not adjuste …
Jim O’Neill: Growth Map
Jim O’Neill, one of the most influential economists today, shares his insights on how and why he developed one of the most compelling economic concepts of our time in The Growth Map. ‘O’Neill has red …