Auteur: Jitendra Kumar

Dr. Aditya Pratap, born on October 18, 1976, is currently working as a Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding) in the Crop Improvement Division, Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur. He obtained his Master”s and Ph.D. degrees in Plant Breeding and Genetics from CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur, INDIA in 1999 and 2003. Holding a brilliant academic and service record, he has been associated with crop research since last ten years and has worked on genetic improvement of crop plants including wheat, triticale, rapeseed-mustard, chickpea and Vigna species and has been instrumental in development of haploidy breeding protocol in cereals through chromosome elimination technique. He has been associated with the development and release of five crop varieties including two in rapeseed-mustard (RSPT2 and RSPR03), two in green gram (IPM 02-14 and IPM 02-3) and one in facultative winter wheat (Him Pratham) and registered two extra early maturing greengram genotypes (IPM 205-7 and IPM 409-4) while a few other varieties are in pipeline. His research interests include distant hybridization, doubled haploidy breeding, plant tissue culture, and molecular breeding. To his credit, he has about 100 publications which include research papers published in high impact Journals, technical bulletins, as well as reviews/chapters for best international publishers including Springer, Academic Press, CABI and CRC. He has published two books entitled, “Haploidy breeding in Triticale and triticale x wheat hybrids: Comparison of Anther Culture and Chromosome Elimination Techniques” by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany and another on “Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes” published by CAB International, Oxfordshire, UK. He is also a recipient of the prestigious Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship. He is an acknowledged speaker and has several awards to his credit. Dr. Jitendra Kumar, born in 1973, ispresently working as Senior Scientist in the Division of Crop Improvement at Indian Institute of Pluses research, Kanpur. He has an excellent research career throughout. He secured Gold Medal during masters programme and pursued his Ph.D. in Genetics & Plant Breeding from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, India. He was awarded CSIR-Research Associateship during 2003-2005 for postdoctoral studies at the Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu (India). He has more than 12 years research experience in genetic improvement using both conventional and molecular marker assisted breeding approaches on various crops including medicinal and aromatic, cereal and pulse crops. During this period, he undertook study tours in Austria, Syria and Bangladesh. His research interests include conventional and molecular breeding, QTL analysis and marker assisted selection for crop improvement. He has about 80 publications including research articles in reputed national and international journals, reviews, book chapters, popular articles, meeting reports, bulletins, etc. He has also co-edited the book “Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes” published by CAB International, Oxfordshire, UK. He has been associated with development of a high yielding variety (IPL 316) of lentil and several others are in pipeline.  His current priorities include involvement of molecular marker technology in conventional lentil breeding programme for making genetic improvement towards the biotic and abiotic stresses.      

21 Ebooks door Jitendra Kumar

Aditya Pratap & Jitendra Kumar: Alien Gene Transfer in Crop Plants, Volume 1
Genetic engineering and biotechnology along with conventional breeding have played an important role in developing superior cultivars by transferring economically important traits from distant, wild …
Aditya Pratap & Jitendra Kumar: Alien Gene Transfer in Crop Plants, Volume 2
Genetic engineering and biotechnology along with conventional breeding have played an important role in developing superior cultivars by transferring economically important traits from distant, wild …
Jitendra Kumar & Aditya Pratap: Phenomics in Crop Plants: Trends, Options and Limitations
Identification of desirable genotypes with traits of interest is discernible for making genetic improvement of crop plants. In this direction, screening of a large number of germplasm for desirable t …
Somnath Bhattacharyya & Jitendra Kumar: Mathematical Modeling and Computational Tools
This book features original research papers presented at the International Conference on Computational and Applied Mathematics, held at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India during Nove …
Jitendra Kumar & Premalata Jena: Recent Advances in Power Electronics and Drives
This book presents select proceedings of the Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference 2020 (EPREC-2020). It provides rigorous discussions, case studies, and recent developments in the emerging …
Debjyoti Sen Gupta & Sanjeev Gupta: Breeding for Enhanced Nutrition and Bio-Active Compounds in Food Legumes
More than 20 million childhood deaths occur every year due to the micronutrient deficiency and diet-related non-communicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases a …
Rajkumar Buyya & Jitendra Kumar: Machine Learning for Cloud Management
Cloud computing offers subscription-based on-demand services, and it has emerged as the backbone of the computing industry. It has enabled us to share resources among multiple users through virtualiz …
Rajkumar Buyya & Jitendra Kumar: Machine Learning for Cloud Management
Cloud computing offers subscription-based on-demand services, and it has emerged as the backbone of the computing industry. It has enabled us to share resources among multiple users through virtualiz …
Jitendra Kumar & Manoj Tripathy: Control Applications in Modern Power Systems
The volume contains peer-reviewed proceedings of EPREC 2021 with a focus on control applications in the modern power system. The book includes original research and case studies that present recent d …
Devendra Kumar Chauhan & Shweta Gaur: Heavy Metals in Plants
This book focuses on the menace of metal pollution and its impact on plants, particularly food grains, pulse and vegetable plants covering morphological, anatomical, physiological and biochemical asp …
Devendra Kumar Chauhan & Shweta Gaur: Heavy Metals in Plants
This book focuses on the menace of metal pollution and its impact on plants, particularly food grains, pulse and vegetable plants covering morphological, anatomical, physiological and biochemical asp …
Kumari Namrata & Neeraj Priyadarshi: Smart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies
This book comprises peer-reviewed proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies (ICSEAPT-2021). The book includes peer-reviewed papers on renewable …
Kumari Namrata & Neeraj Priyadarshi: Smart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies
This book comprises peer-reviewed proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies (ICSEAPT-2021). The book includes peer-reviewed papers on renewable …
Valentina Emilia Balas & Hari Mohan Gaur: Advances in Cyber Security and Intelligent Analytics
We live in a digital world, where we use digital tools and smart devices to communicate over the Internet. In turn, an enormous amount of data gets generated. The traditional computing architectures …
Valentina Emilia Balas & Hari Mohan Gaur: Advances in Cyber Security and Intelligent Analytics
We live in a digital world, where we use digital tools and smart devices to communicate over the Internet. In turn, an enormous amount of data gets generated. The traditional computing architectures …
Jitendra Kumar & Manoj Tripathy: Control Applications in Modern Power Systems
This book provides rigorous discussions, case studies, and recent developments in the emerging areas of a control system, especially load frequency control, wide-area monitoring, control and instrume …
Debjyoti Sen Gupta & Jitendra Kumar: Lentil Genome
The Lentil Genome is a comprehensive volume on this important legume, from its economic importance to the latest in sequencing. The book includes botanical descriptions, discussion of lentil genetics …
Jitendra Kumar & S. N. Singh: Recent Advances in Power Systems
This conference proceedings entitled “Recent Advances in Power Systems presents – select proceedings of EPREC-2023 provides the rigorous discussions, case studies, and recent developments in the emer …
G. R. Gangadharan & Jitendra Kumar: Cloud of Things
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. This book explores algorithms, p …
G. R. Gangadharan & Jitendra Kumar: Cloud of Things
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. This book explores algorithms, p …
Tanmoy Rana: The Handbook of Zoonotic Diseases of Goats
Goats are the predominant domestic livestock, and certainly the predominant small ruminant, in most of Asia, Africa and the warmer parts of Europe. Important for meat, milk, fibre and leather product …