Auteur: Joachim W. Engels

Friedrich Lottspeich studied chemistry in Vienna and performed his dissertation at the Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Munich. He received his Ph D in biochemistry from the University of Vienna. After habilitation in Munich and Innsbruck, Friedrich Lottspeich was head of the protein analytics group at the Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Munich until his retirement in 2013. His research focused on the development and application of methods for the analysis of proteins. Friedrich Lottspeich is author of more than 750 original publications and is a former President of EUPA and DGPF. He received several international prizes such as the ASAC Pregl Medal 2009, the DGMS Award Mass spectrometry in Life Sciences 2012, the AUPA Life Achievement Award 2014 and the EUPA Juan Pablo Albar Proteomics Award 2016. Joachim W. Engels studied chemistry in Berlin and Munich and received a Ph.D. in Regensburg. He carried out post-doctoral studies at Stanford, did his habilitation in Konstanz and was a visiting scientist at the University of Colorado before joining the company Hoechst in 1981, where he developed gene synthesis. He is a full Professor of Biological Chemistry at the Goethe-University of Frankfurt since 1985. His interests range from chemical biology to bioanalytics. Joachim Engels has served as president of the International Society of Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (2005/6), held several guest professorships at Chiba Institute, Japan (1989), Hokkaido University, Japan (1998) Shandong University, China (2004), Cady-Ayyad University, Morocco (2010), University Witwatersrand, South Africa (2012). He has authored more than 300 original publications. On retirement, he was chosen Professor Emeritus and he is now President of the Goethe-Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (Academy) in Frankfurt.

3 Ebooks door Joachim W. Engels

Joachim W. Engels & Jens Kurreck: Bioanalytik
Das bewährte Standardwerk beschreibt und erläutert alle analytischen Methoden, die heute in der Biochemie und Molekularbiologie eingesetzt werden, von der Probenvorbereitung bis zu modernsten Analyse …
Joachim W. Engels & Friedrich Lottspeich: Bioanalytics
Analytical methods are the essential enabling tools of the modern biosciences. This book presents a comprehensive introduction into these analytical methods, including their physical and chemical bac …
Joachim W. Engels & Friedrich Lottspeich: Bioanalytics
Analytical methods are the essential enabling tools of the modern biosciences. This book presents a comprehensive introduction into these analytical methods, including their physical and chemical bac …