Over de auteur
Generalitat de Catalunya INCANOP scholarship in Modern Music 1994.
Postgraduate degree in Psychocreativity, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2002.
Over de auteur
Generalitat de Catalunya INCANOP scholarship in Modern Music 1994.
Postgraduate degree in Psychocreativity, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2002.
Participation in the Seminar on the ‘Guided Imagery and Music’ method (GIM)
Dr. Kenneth Bruscia (Temple University. USA)
Days: June 17-18, 2005 – Les Heures. UB.
Co-organizer of the First Music Therapy Congress in Spain 17, 18 and 19 February 2006.
Music therapist at the Catalan Institute of Music Therapy 2005 – 2007.
Music therapist at the private Foundation ESMEN, Barcelona 2005 – 2007.
Music therapist at the Llars Mundet Geriatric Home, Barcelona 2005 – 2007.
Music therapist at the Special Education Center Ca n’Oriol, Rubí 2007.
Music therapist at the Roca del Vallès Town Hall developing the Music Therapy Workshop for over 55s, 2007.
Professor and psychopedagogue of the Generalitat de Catalunya Department of Education 2007 – 20103.
Organizer and presenter of the Inauguration Ceremony of the music therapy area of the CEM María Grever 17-1-2013.
Developer of the Music Therapy Workshop Music to be happy intended for Over 55s Civic Center El Lledoner Mollet del Vallès.
Co-organizer of the 1st Interactive Music Therapy Concert with the Catalan Association of Williams Syndrome and Cordes del Món .
Conference on music therapy students Trinity College of the United States .
Co-organizer of the 1st meeting of families in Spain with Williams Syndrome , November 9 and 10, 2013 at the CREER Burgos Center.
Conference on music therapy at the 2013 Walls Against Cancer gala.
Speaker at the 1st Conference on Music and Medicine at the Cosmocaixa in Barcelona 2-21-2014.
Co-organizer of the 2nd Interactive Music Therapy Concert with the Catalan Williams Syndrome Association and the Young Big Band of the Barcelona Musicians workshop .
Speaker at Health Week 2014 Parets del Vallès. Talk Workshop Music and health.
Attendance at the 1st day in Catalonia on the general health problems surrounding Williams Syndrome Vall d’Hebrón, 11-4-2014 .
Teacher of music therapy practices Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya ESMUC .
Coordinator of the 1st Summer Course of Music Therapy CEM María Grever 2014 in Parets del Vallès.
Psychologist and music therapist at the Fontpicant Foundation 2014 .
Communication ‘ Williams Syndrome and Musicotherapy ‘ at the 5th Congress of Musicotherapy 17-10-2014 Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya ESMUC.
Co-organizer and participant with the Williams Syndrome Catalan Association at the closing concert of the 5th Congress of Musicotherapy 10-19-2014 Barcelona Auditorium.
Co-organizer of the tribute to Dr. Oliver Sacks at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya ESMUC.
Developer of the ‘Els més wuais’ social inclusion program with the Catalan Williams Syndrome Association.
Music workshop for well-being Social Club La LLum Mollet del Vallès. currently
Music workshop for well-being Club Social Tu Tries 4 sessions 2017.
Coordinator of the Lip Dub project at the Social Club La LLum Mollet del Vallès presented on World Mental Health Day at the Old Market in Mollet del Vallès November 2017.
Workshop for over 55s Casal Font Verda Granollers del Vallès October, November, December 2017.
Workshop for over 55s Casal Font d’en Fargues, November 2017 III edition.
Sessions as substitute music therapist at the Esclat Cerebral Palsy Foundation Barcelona.
Author of the books of adapted sheet music Sheet music for Arc de Sant Martí : Catalan, Spanish, English and German.
Workshop worker at the Abacus chain of stores presenting the Sheet Music project of the rainbow.
Music therapist summer camps July 2018 CEIB Barcelona .
Advisor in the publication of the book Re Mi un nen que fa sol , by the psychologist Miquel Gómez , about music as a factor of pedagogical inclusion with children diagnosed with ASD.