Johannes M. Bauer is a Professor in the Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media at Michigan State Univesity. He is also the Co-Director of the Quello Center for Telecommunication Management and Law at Michigan State University. Dr. Bauer joined Michigan State University in 1990 after receiving his doctorate in economics from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria. From 1993 until 1998, he directed the Institute of Public Utilities and Network Industries at the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University. He taught and researched as a visiting professor at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (2000-2001) and the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, China (2002). His work was published in the leading journals in the field, including Telecommunications Policy, Information Economics and Policy, Communications & Strategies, Telematics & Informatics, and Info.
Volker Schneider is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Konstanz (Germany), where he holds the Chair of Empirical Theory of the State. He received a Ph D from the European University Institute in Florence (Italy), and he was research fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne (Germany) between 1986 and 1997. He has written on policy networks, politics and policy of technology, government-business relations and the evolution of governance structures. In a long term perspective he is work complexity, governance and network theory. He edited several books. Among them are Organized Business Interests in Changing Environments (with J. Grote and A. Lang), Governing Interests: Business Associations Facing Internationalization (with W. Streeck, J. Grote, and J. Visser), and Private Organisation in Global Politics (with K. Ronit).
Achim Lang is Assistant Professor at the University of Konstanz (Germany). He studied public policy and management at the University of Konstanz and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). He holds a doctoral degree in political science for his study on the evolution of sectoral business associations. Achim Lang held research positions at the University of Konstanz, the University of Cologne and the Darmstadt University of Technology. He authored Die Evolution sektoraler Wirtschaftsverbände und Informations- und Kommunikationsverbände in Deutschland, Großbritannien und Spanien. He edited Organized Business Interests in Changing Environments (with J. Grote and A. Lang).
6 Ebooks door Johannes Bauer
Johannes Bauer & Achim Lang: Innovation Policy and Governance in High-Tech Industries
The book examines the conditions for successful high-technology policy from theoretical and empirical perspectives. It enhances the predominant national systems of innovation approach to innovation p …
Georg Fischer & Johannes Bauer: Existenzgründungsfinanzierung – eine lohnende Investition auch in Großbanken?!?
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1999 im Fachbereich BWL – Bank, Börse, Versicherung, Note: 1, Bankakademie Frankfurt e.V., Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Als Anstoß für das Projekt diente uns neben der Diskus …
Johannes Bauer & Christian Harteis: Human Fallibility
A curious ambiguity surrounds errors in professional working contexts: they must be avoided in case they lead to adverse (and potentially disastrous) results, yet they also hold the key to improving …
Johannes Bauer: Schleiermacher als patriotischer Prediger
Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für ‘Schleiermacher als patriotischer Prediger’ verfügbar. Das E-Book Schleiermacher als patriotischer Prediger wird angeboten von De Gruyter und wurde mit folgenden B …
Fritz Oser & Karin Heinrichs: The International Handbook of Teacher Ethos
This volume is the first handbook that brings together cutting-edge international research on teacher ethos from a broad array of disciplines. The main focus will be on research that illustrates curr …
Johannes Bauer & Luis Bauer: Wenn der Tod kommt, ist Sense
Zwischen Kühlhaus und Grabkammer, Feuerbestattung und Verwesungsgeruch – Werden Wasserleichen getrocknet ? Wird Toten der Mund zugenäht ? Kann ich bei der Einäscherung meiner Oma zusehen? Dürfen Best …