This book is written in the hopes that those who have chosen to take on the role of caregiving will find answers to problems they will face each day and be able to see that they are not alone in their endeavors to help those in need. This book is written to be short and to the point for easy, spur-of-the-moment answers, but more than anything, I have written it to be a source of encouragement as you take on what I consider the hardest profession in the world.
Over de auteur
I am a man of faith, and put God first in all I do. I am a person who cares for, and always tries to put others first. I was married for thirty-six years to my wife who gave me three wonderful children, and the ability to write this book. I work with special needs middle school students who give me new life every day. My hobbies include singing, writing and triathalons.