Desire, such a beguiling word, almost a phrase unto itself. What comes to mind are the more mundane wishes, leading to a sensual state of mind.Such would adequately describe my intentions, and you will find them in the upcoming pages.Nothing radical, or unusual, but, an unrestricted, vocalization of my thoughts, hopes, and eventually, my desires. I hope everyone will find the words to tell your significant other, how you feel, and if love is a reality for you, then I wish you well.
Over de auteur
My name is John H. Macdonald. My written attempts extend over a relatively short period of time, commencing after recovering from a motorcycle accident, which induced an extended coma. I guess my thought patterns were changed considerably. I find writing to be compulsive rather than a desire. There are nights when sleep evades me, until an idea, a phrase, a poem is visible on paper. I never wrote before. I was much too busy with my jobs. Yes, I had familial obligations. Now, I work part-time and enjoy meeting and communicating with my friends and the public in general. Life can be strange, elusive, even mysterious, but in the end, it’s all we have, and I’m grateful for every minute I have left.