‘It’s Your Choice or Is It’ takes a deeper look at the sovereignty of God and the ‘Free Will’ of man. The book will compare the teachings of John Calvin and Armenian Theology in a search for Biblical truth and heresy that now prevails in many Christian denominations.
The author will discuss the concepts of ‘Foreknowledge, ‘ ‘Predestination, ‘ ‘Eternal Security, ‘ ‘Unconditional Election, ‘ ‘Perseverance of the Saints, ‘ ‘Limited Atonement, ‘ ‘Irresistible Grace, ‘ ‘Total Depravity, ‘ ‘Free Will, ‘ and much more.
We have added a special gallery of anointed Christian poems to encourage and edify the reader.
Table of Contents
Chapter One…… The Sovereignty of God Total Depravity
Chapter Two…. The Sovereignty of God and Unconditional Election.
Chapter Three…The Sovereignty of God and Limited Atonement
Chapter Four…. The Sovereignty of God and Irresistible Grace
Chapter Five…. The Sovereignty of God and Perseverance of the Saints.
Chapter Six……The Sovereignty of God and Arminian Theology
Chapter Seven…The Sovereignty of God and Foreknowledge
Chapter Eight… The Sovereignty of God and Divine Grace
Chapter Nine… The Sovereignty of God and Hell
Chapter Ten…. The Sovereignty of God and Your Every Day.
About The Author
Gallery of Anointed Poems
Over de auteur
About The Author, John Marinelli Rev. Marinelli is an ordained minister. He has formed and been the pastor of one church in Wisconsin and was the pastor of another in Alabama. He has also been a youth minister and evangelism director over the years. Rev. Marinelli has authored over 30 books that you can view on his website. www.marinellichristianbooks.com John is an accomplished Christian poet. He dabbles in songwriting and writing poetry. He is the Vice President of Have A Heart For Companion Animals, Inc., a ‘No Kill’ animal welfare organization. He volunteers his time promoting fundraising events for www.haveaheartusa.org.Rev. Marinelli is now retired from sales and marketing after spending over 40 years in business-to-business and non-profit marketing. He enjoys writing Christian-themed books, playing chess, singing karaoke, and a retired lifestyle in sunny Florida.For More Info e Mail Contact [email protected]