Auteur: Joseba Fernández

Donatella della Porta is Director of the Centre on Social Movement Studies and Dean of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Scuola Normale Superiore Joseba Fernández is an independent researcher, formerly of the Centre on Social Movement Studies at the European University Institute Hara Kouki is a Research Associate at the European University Institute (Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies) Lorenzo Mosca is Associate Professor of Political Science in the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Scuola Normale Superiore

2 Ebooks door Joseba Fernández

Joseba Fernández & Hara Kouki: Movement Parties Against Austerity
The ascendance of austerity policies and the protests they have generated have had a deep impact on the shape of contemporary politics. The stunning electoral successes of SYRIZA in Greece, Podemos i …
Joseba Fernández & Hara Kouki: Movement Parties Against Austerity
The ascendance of austerity policies and the protests they have generated have had a deep impact on the shape of contemporary politics. The stunning electoral successes of SYRIZA in Greece, Podemos …