‘A great resource for new teachers and veterans . . . full of tips and ideas that any teacher can use to prevent problems from occurring. [It] should be in every special education classroom.’
-Therese Kwiatkowski, Director of Special Education
Cooperative Educational Service Agency
‘As a former special education teacher, I highly recommend this book for all those who want to be more effective in every aspect of their work. All of the special education teachers at my school will have copies of this practical guide.’
-Marybeth Sandvig, Principal
Manitoba K-8 School, Milwaukee, WI
Special help for special education teachers means special success for students!
Do you have too many IEPs on your desk? Is it five o′clock and do you still need to contact parents, social workers, and general education co-teachers? Teachers new to special education often feel overwhelmed at the amount of additional planning and information management required.
This practical guide shows you how to shape the structure of the teaching day to ensure that learners with special needs experience success. It includes simple teacher-tested, easy-to-implement strategies needing 5 steps or fewer to:
- Organize students to make the most of the time you have with them
- Use incentive programs and meaningful consequences to achieve desired behaviors
- Coordinate with co-teachers, general education teachers, and staff to maximize your efforts
When the key paperwork is at your fingertips, the lesson plan is prepared, and the to-do list is written, you will find more time in your day for what′s most important-your students!
Foreword by Patricia A. Yahle
About the Authors
1. Getting Organized
Student Information
Supplies and Materials
Your Desk and Surrounding Area
Forms and Schedules
Room Arrangement
2. Organizing Students
Adequate Storage
Teaching Time Savers
Student Desk Organization
Routines and Rules
Classroom Buddies
3. Classroom and Behavior Management
Whole-Class Management
Considerations for Students with Special Education Needs
Managing Small Groups
Developing Appropriate and Easily Implemented Behavior Programs
Developing and Monitoring Behavior Intervention Plans
Incentive Programs
Negative Consequences
When You Must Discipline…
4. Special Education Instructional Planning
The IEP and Planning
Grouping Students
Finding Appropriate Materials
Independent Work
The IEP and Assistive Technology
Using Assistive Technology as a Learning Support
5. General Education Instructional Planning
Coordinating Efforts with the General Education Teacher and Support Staff
Planning for Academic and Behavioral Success
Co-Teaching and Co-Planning
Adapting Lessons
Accessing the General Education Curriculum
Transition Times
Special Education Instructional Planning
Your Involvement in the General Education Classroom
6. Record Keeping and Information Management
Creating a System
Finding Time to Complete Paperwork
IEP′s and Progress Reports
Report Cards and Grading
7. Legal Issues
IDEA Reauthorization
Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA)
Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP)
Manifestation Determination
Student and Parent Rights
8. Working with Families
Before You Contact Families…
Establishing a Positive Relationship
Ongoing Communication
IEP Meetings
Parent Conferences
Assistance from School Support Staff
9. Working with Support Staff
The IEP and Support Staff Involvement
Support from the Special Education Administrative Staff
Support from the School Psychologist
Support from the School Social Worker
Support from the Speech and Language Pathologist
Other Support Staff
10. Working with Teacher Assistants
Making a Schedule
Presenting a United Front
Assigning Responsibilities
Discussing Concerns
11. Working with Administration
Understanding Your Principal′s View of Special Education in Your School
Communicating with Your Principal
Principal Observations and Evaluations
Professional Development
What is a Professional Learning Community?
12. Working within Your School Community
Becoming Part of the Team
Teacher Buddies and Mentors
To Socialize or Not to Socialize
The Teachers′ Room
Ask for Help, Offer to Help
Other Supports for New Teachers
Suggested Readings
Over de auteur
Jill A. Lindberg retired from Milwaukee Public Schools in June 2003 and is currently a supervising teacher for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her teaching experience includes six years as a mentor teacher, assisting both general and special education teachers in Milwaukee Public Schools. She has taught students with specific learning disabilities, students with emotional/behavior disabilities, and students with hearing impairment. She has coauthored five books in the Common-Sense Classroom Management series with educators from the Milwaukee area. She has a degree in exceptional education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.