Defining the role of a job coach, this book sets out EU-wide training standards for helping people with disabilities gain and maintain meaningful employment.
The book includes the perspectives of both people with disabilities and their job coaches, offering first-hand experience of the specific issues faced by those who want to enter the competitive open jobs market. It describes how to provide bespoke support for people with an intellectual disability, physical disability, as well as for autistic people and individuals with mental health conditions. Guidance on functional assessment, task analysis, collaborating with employers and training for new and student job coaches is also included.
Foreword by Blazej Piasek. Foreword by Norman Sterrit. Preface. 1. What is a job coach for adults with disabilities? Dr Ewa Matuska, Chair of Management, Pomeranian University, Poland. 2. Having a job coach: An insider perspective. Dr Lyn Mc Kerr, Centre for Behaviour Analysis, Queen’s University Belfast, UK, and Caterina Metje, Fachhochschule Münster, Germany 3. Job coaches for adults with mental health conditions. Professor Hanns-Rüdiger Röttgers, Fachhochschule Münster, Germany. 4. Job coaches for adults with physical and sensory disabilities. Trish Mac Keogh, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, and Marcia Scherer, Centre for Behaviour Analysis, Queen’s University Belfast, UK. 5. Job coaches for adults with intellectual disabilities. Dr Ewa Matuska. 6. Job coaches for adults on the autism spectrum. Dr Lyn Mc Kerr and Professor Karola Dillenburger, Centre for Behaviour Analysis, Queen’s University Belfast, UK. 7. On-the-job functional assessments. Angelika Anderson, School of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Waikato, New Zealand. 8. Dealing with crisis and challenging behaviours. Dr Brian Fennell, Curry College, Milton, MA, USA and Professor Karola Dillenburger. 9. Collaborating with employers. Dr Lucie Procházková, Institute for Research in Inclusive Education, Masaryk University, Czechia, and Dr Helena Vadurová, Institute for Research in Inclusive Education, Masaryk University, Czechia. 10. Being a job coach: An insider perspective. Dr Lyn Mc Kerr and Karola Dillenburger. 11. Guidelines for training job coaches. Marea de Bruijn, Beroepsvereniging Jobcoaches Nederland, Netherlands.