The bestselling guide to teaching yourself the violin just got better
Despite being one of the most popular musical instruments for budding musicians, the violin has a reputation as being amongst the most difficult to learn. But no longer. Violin for Dummies is packed with the information you need to learn the art of this beautiful instrument, whether you’re looking to get a head start before taking up lessons or are already studying with a tutor but want a little boost. With this book you have everything you need to get started.
Even if you’ve never read a note of music, this book will have you playing in no time, introducing you to the fundamentals of the violin, from selecting and tuning to understanding rhythm, musical notation, and harmony.
* Walks you through everything from how to hold your violin to playing popular classical, jazz, gypsy, and fiddle tunes
* Filled with all-new content, including new music and updated resources
* Designed for aspiring musicians going it alone, the book can also serve as an invaluable aid for instructors
Fully revised and updated, Violin For Dummies builds on the winning formula that made the original a bestseller, establishing it as the only book the aspiring violinist needs to get started.
CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase
Introduction 1
Part I: So You Want to Play the Violin 7
Chapter 1: Introducing the Violin 9
Chapter 2: Getting Started with the Violin 17
Chapter 3: Holding Up Well 39
Part II: Getting Started: The Basics 53
Chapter 4: Taking a Bow 55
Chapter 5: Getting the Left Hand Right 73
Chapter 6: All Together Now 91
Part III: Reading Music for the Violin 107
Chapter 7: Translating Five Lines onto Four Strings 109
Chapter 8: Making Rhythm Count 127
Chapter 9: Measuring Up: A Guide to Meter 141
Part IV: Musicianship and Harmony 163
Chapter 10: Weighing In on Scales 165
Chapter 11: Cracking Key Signatures 189
Chapter 12: Making Sweet Music Together: Harmony 197
Part V: Taking It Up a Notch: Techniques and Styles207
Chapter 13: Becoming Fluent in the Language of Bowing 209
Chapter 14: Putting Your Finger on It 241
Chapter 15: Playing with Style 285
Part VI: Getting into Gear, Staying in Gear 309
Chapter 16: Finding the Right Violin and Bow for You 311
Chapter 17: Protecting Your Assets: Violin Care and Maintenance329
Part VII: The Part of Tens 355
Chapter 18: Ten Performers — and Their Recordings 357
Chapter 19: Ten Ways to Go beyond This Book 363
Chapter 20: Ten (Or So) Tips on Finding a Teacher 373
Appendix: How to Use the Audio and Video Tracks 383
Index 395
Over de auteur
Katharine Rapoport is a violinist and violist, who teaches at the University of Toronto and at the Royal Conservatory of Music. She has more than 30 years of professional experience, including solo, chamber, and orchestral performance in Canada, the United States, and throughout Europe.