Familie und Erwerbstätigkeit miteinander zu vereinbaren, ist für Mütter in Deutschland noch immer schwierig. Dies zeigt sich insbesondere beim Wiedereinstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt. Dieser variiert zum einen sehr stark mit dem Bildungsniveau, zum anderen spielen gesetzliche Regelungen zu Erziehungszeiten eine entscheidende Rolle. Zudem unterbrechen Frauen in Westdeutschland ihre Erwerbstätigkeit länger als Frauen in Ostdeutschland – auch 20 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung. Dies scheint indes weniger der unterschiedlichen Sozialisation geschuldet als unterschiedlichen institutionellen Regelungen. Schließlich hängt der Wiedereinstieg von Müttern nach einer familienbedingten Erwerbsunterbrechung auch von den Charakteristika der angebotenen Stellen ab. Hier zeigt sich: Neben der Entlohnung spielen auch nicht-monetäre Eigenschaften der Arbeitsstelle eine wichtige Rolle – insbesondere solche, die Einfluss auf das individuelle Zeitbudget haben.
List of tables
List of figures
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Theoretical perspectives
1.3 Research questions and contributions
1.4 Data and methods
1.5 Outline of the thesis
2 Educational attainment and family related employment interruptions in Germany: Do changing institutional settings matter?
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Previous research on employment interruptions
2.3 Institutional and structural changes in the German welfare state: changed conditions for younger cohorts?
2.4 Theoretical considerations and hypotheses
2.5 Data, variables and method
2.6 Employment re-entry after family related employment interruptions – descriptive and multivariate results
2.7 Discussion and conclusions
3 Between familial imprinting and institutional regulation: Family related employment interruptions of women in East and West Germany and the GDR
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Institutional regulations in Germany and the GDR
3.3 Employment and employment interruptions of women in Germany and the GDR
3.4 Attitudes towards the employment of mothers in East and West Germany
3.5 Theoretical background
3.6 Data and methods
3.7 Family related employment interruptions in East and West Germany and the GDR
3.8 The long road to uniform re-entry patterns
4 Improving retrospective life course data by combining modularised self-reports and event history calendar. Experiences from a large scale survey
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Previous research on recall differences
4.3 Theoretical background: the structure of autobiographical memory and memory pathways
4.4 Stimulation of autobiographical memory: combining modularised self-reports and event history calendars
4.5 Data, measurement, and empirical methods
4.6 Completeness and dating accuracy in ALWA
4.7 Discussion of the major findings
4.8 Conclusion
4.9 Appendix: Technical implementation: Design and technical features of the data revision tool
5 Does data editing really matter? The relevance of within and post-interview data editing in the IAB-ALWA study
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Data collection and editing in ALWA
5.3 Empirical Part
5.4 Discussion and conclusion
6 It’s not (all) about the money: What are prospective returners willing to accept for a job? Evidence from a factorial survey among mothers
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Previous research
6.3 Theoretical framework and hypotheses
6.4 Data and methods
6.5 Results
6.6 Conclusions and discussion
7 Summary and concluding remarks
7.1 Summary of the main findings and answers to research questions
7.2 Limitations of the thesis and suggestions for future research
8 Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch