Focusing on the physical layer, Networking Fundamentals
provides essential information on networking technologies that are
used in both wired and wireless networks designed for local area
networks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs). The book starts with
an overview of telecommunications followed by four parts, each
including several chapters. Part I explains the principles of
design and analysis of information networks at the lowest layers.
It concentrates on the characteristics of the transmission media,
applied transmission and coding, and medium access control. Parts
II and III are devoted to detailed descriptions of important WANs
and LANs respectively with Part II describing the wired Ethernet
and Internet as well as cellular networks while Part III covers
popular wired LANs and wireless LANs (WLANs), as well as wireless
personal area network (WPAN) technologies. Part IV concludes by
examining security, localization and sensor networking. The
partitioned structure of the book allows flexibility in teaching
the material, encouraging the reader to grasp the more simple
concepts and to build on these foundations when moving onto more
complex information.
Networking Fundamentals contains numerous illustrations,
case studies and tables to supplement the text, as well as
exercises with solutions at the end of each chapter. There is also
a companion website with password protected solutions manual for
instructors along with other useful resources.
* Provides a unique holistic approach covering wireless
communication technologies, wired technologies and networking
* One of the first textbooks to integrate all aspects of
information networks while placing an emphasis on the physical
layer and systems engineering aspects
* Contains numerous illustrations, case studies and tables to
supplement the text, as well as exercises with solutions at the end
of each chapter
* Companion website with password protected solutions manual and
other useful resources
About the Authors.
1. Introduction to Information Networks.
1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Evolution of Wide-Area Networks.
1.3 Evolution of Local Networks.
1.4 Structure of the book.
2. Characteristics of the Medium.
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Guided Media.
2.3 Wireless Media.
3. Fundamentals of Physical Layer Transmission.
3.1 Information Transmission.
3.2 Transmission Techniques and Signal Constellation.
3.3 Performance of the Physical Layer.
3.4 Wideband Modems.
4. Coding and Reliable Packet Transmission.
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Source Coding and Framing Techniques.
4.3 FEC Coding.
4.4 Coding for Spread-Spectrum and Code-Division Multiple Access Systems.
4.5 ARQ Schemes.
4.6 Flow Control Protocols.
5. Medium Access Methods.
5.1 Introduction.
5.2 Centralized Assigned Access Schemes.
5.3 Distributed Random Access Networks.
5.4 Integration of Voice and Data Traffic.
6. The Internet.
6.1 Introduction: Internet Infrastructure.
6.2 Addressing.
6.3 Quality of Service.
6.4 Bridges or LAN Switches.
6.5 Switches.
6.6 Routers.
7. Cellular Networks.
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 General Architecture of a Cellular Network.
7.3 Mechanisms to Support a Mobile Environment.
7.4 Protocol Stack in Cellular Networks.
7.5 Physical Layer in TDMA Air Interface.
7.6 Physical Layer in CDMA Air Interface.
7.7 Achieving Higher Data Rates in Cellular Networks.
7.8 Deployment of Cellular Networks.
8. IEEE 802-3 Ethernet.
8.1 Introduction.
8.2 Legacy 10 Mb/s Ethernet.
8.3 Evolution of the Physical Layer.
8.4 Emergence of Additional Features for Ethernet.
9. IEEE Wireless Local-Area Network Standards.
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 IEEE 802.11 and WLANs.
9.3 IEEE 802.16 (Wi MAX).
10. IEEE 802.15 Wireless Personal-Area Network.
10.1 Introduction.
10.2 IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth.
10.3 Interference between Bluetooth and 802.11.
10.4 IEEE 802.15.3 Ultra Wideband Wireless.
10.5 IEEE 802.15.4 Zig Bee.
11. Network Security.
11.1 Introduction.
11.2 Network Attacks and Security Issues.
11.3 Protection and Prevention.
11.4 Detection.
11.5 Assessment and Response.
12. Wireless Localization.
12.1 Introduction.
12.2 What is Wireless Geolocation?
12.3 RF Location Sensing and Positioning Methodologies.
12.4 LCS Architecture for Cellular Systems.
12.5 Positioning in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks.
13. Wireless Sensor Networks.
13.1 Introduction.
13.2 Sensor Network Applications.
13.3 Sensor Network Architecture and Sensor Devices.
13.4 The PHY Layer in Sensor Networks.
13.5 The MAC Layer in Sensor Networks.
13.6 Higher Layer Issues in Sensor Networks.
Appendix A: What is Decibel?
Appendix B: STC for Two Transmitters and One Receiver.
Appendix C: Source Coding.
C.1 Source Coding for Voice.
C.2 Source Coding for Images and Video.
Appendix D: Acronyms.
Appendic E: List of Variables.
Over de auteur
Keveh Pahlavan, is a Professor of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (ECE), a Professor of Computer Science (CS), and
Director of the Center for Wireless Information Network Studies,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA. He is also a
visiting Professor of Telecommunication Laboratory and CWC,
University of Oulu, Finland. His area of research is location-aware
broadband wireless indoor networks. He has contributed to numerous
seminal technical publications and patents in this field. He is the
principal author of the Wireless Information Networks (with
Allen Levesque), John Wiley and Sons, 1995 and Principles of
Wireless Networks – A Unified Approach (with P.
Krishnamurthy), Prentice Hall, 2002. He has been a consultant to a
number of companies, including CNR Inc., GTE Laboratories,
Steinbrecher Corp., Simplex, Mercury Computers, WINDATA, Siera Comm,
3COM, and Code/Motorola in Massachusetts; JPL, Savi Technologies,
Radio LAN in California; Airnet in Ohio; United Technology Research
Center in Connecticut; Honeywell in Arizona; Nokia, LK-Products,
Elektrobit, TEKES, the Finnish Academy in Finland; and NTT in
Japan. Before joining WPI, he was the director of advanced
development at Infinite Inc., Andover, MA, working on data
communications. He started his career as an assistant professor at
Northeastern University, Boston, MA. He is the Editor-in-Chief of
the International Journal on Wireless Information Networks.
He was the founder, the program chairman, and organizer of the IEEE
Wireless LAN Workshop, Worcester, in 1991 and 1996 and the
organizer and technical program chairman of the IEEE International
Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Communications, Boston,
MA, 1992 and 1998. He has also been selected as a member of the
Committee on Evolution of Untethered Communication, US National
Research Council, 1997 and has led the US review team for the
Finnish R&D Programs in Electronic and Telecommunication in
1999 and NETs project in 2003. For his contributions to the
wireless networks he was the Westin Hadden Professor of Electrical
and Computer Engineering at WPI during 1993-1996, was elected as a
fellow of the IEEE in 1996 and became a fellow of Nokia in 1999.
From May to December of 2000 he was the first Fulbright-Nokia
scholar at the University of Oulu, Finland. Because of his
inspiring visionary publications and his international conference
activities for the growth of the wireless LAN industry, he is
referred to as one of the founding fathers of the wireless LAN
industry. In the past few years his research work has been the core
for than 25 patents by Skyhook Wireless, where he acts as the chief
technical advisor. In January 2008 Steve Jobs announced that
Skyhook Wireless’s Wi Fi localization technology is used in
i Phone. Details of his contributions to this field are available at
Prashant Krishnamurthy is an associate professor with the
graduate program in Telecommunications and Networking at the
University of Pittsburgh. At Pitt, he regularly teaches courses on
cryptography, network security, and wireless communications and
networks. His research interests are wireless network security,
wireless data networks, and position location in indoor wireless
networks. He is the coauthor of the books Principles of Wireless
Networks – A Unified Approach and Physical Layer of
Communication Systems and is a co-editor of Information
Assurance: Dependability and Security in Networked Systems. He
served as the chair of the IEEE Communications Society Pittsburgh
Chapter from 2000 to 2005. He obtained his Ph D from Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, in 1999.