Auteur: Keiko Nakayama

Keiko Nakayama, Professor, Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan   Keiko Nakayama, 2022, A Forest Environmental Tax Scheme in Japan: Toward Water Source Cultivation-, Springer   Keiko Nakayama and Yuzuru Miyata (Editors), 2019, Theoretical and Empirical Analysis in Environmental Economics, Springer (Chapter 1 and Chapter 4)

3 Ebooks door Keiko Nakayama

Keiko Nakayama & Yuzuru Miyata: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis in Environmental Economics
This monograph presents potential remedies for some of the current environmental issues in developed countries in a theoretical or empirical manner with the interdisciplinary approaches of economics, …
Keiko Nakayama: A Forest Environment Tax Scheme in Japan
This book is a work that focuses on the forest environmental tax. Forest resources have played a major role in preventing global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide and supplying oxygen. However, glo …
Keiko Nakayama: Eigenvalue Problem and Nonlinear Programming Problem
This book focuses on the Frobenius theorem regarding a nonlinear simultaneous system. The Frobenius theorem is well known as a condition for a linear simultaneous system’s having a nonnegative soluti …