Technogenarians investigates the older person?s experiences
of health, illness, science, and technology. It presents a greater
theoretical and empirical understanding of the biomedical aspects
of aging bodies, minds, and emotions, and the rise of
gerontechnology industries and professions–.
* A unique scholarly investigation into elders as technology
* Emphasizes the need to put aging, science, and technology in
the center of analyses of health and illness
* Explores the rise of gerontechnology industries and
* Offers a critical study of the transformation of aging bodies,
minds, and emotions into medical problems in need of medical
* Combines two scholarly areas – Science and Technology Studies
and the Sociology of Aging, Health, and Illness – to produce
innovative scholarship
Notes on Contributors.
1 Theorising technogenarians: a sociological approach to ageing,
technology and health (Kelly Joyce and Meika Loe).
2 A history of the future: the emergence of contemporary
anti-ageing medicine (Courtney Everts Mykytyn).
3 In the vanguard of biomedicine? The curious and contradictory
case of anti-ageing medicine (Jennifer R. Fishman, Richard A.
Settersten Jr and Michael A. Flatt).
4 Science, medicine and virility surveillance: ‘sexy seniors’ in
the pharmaceutical imagination (Barbara L. Marshall).
5 Time, clinic technologies, and the making of refl exive
longevity: the cultural work of time left in an ageing
society (Sharon R. Kaufman).
6 Aesthetic anti-ageing surgery and technology: women’s friend
or foe? (Abigail T. Brooks).
7 ‘A second youth’: pursuing happiness and
respectability through cosmetic surgery in Finland (Taina
8 Ageing in place and technologies of place: the lived
experience of people with dementia in changing social, physical and
technological environments (Katherine Brittain, Lynne Corner,
Louise Robinson and John Bond).
9 Liberating the wanderers: using technology to unlock doors for
those living with dementia (Johanna M. Wigg).
10 Output that counts: pedometers, sociability and the contested
terrain of older adult fitness walking (Denise A.
11 Doing it my way: old women, technology and wellbeing
(Meika Loe).
12 ‘But obviously not for me’: robots, laboratories and the defi
ant identity of elder test users (Louis Neven).
Over de auteur
Kelly Joyce is Associate Professor of Sociology at the
College of William and Mary. Her research on technology, science,
and health has been published in Science as Culture,
Social Studies of Science, and other academic journals. Dr
Joyce’s book Magnetic Appeal: MRI and the Myth of
Transparency (2008) offers a sociological exploration of
magnetic resonance imaging technology. Her current research
examines medical knowledge about, and the experiences of people who
live with, autoimmune illnesses.
Meika Loe is Associate Professor of Sociology and
Women’s Studies at Colgate University in New York. Her
critical scholarship on culture, age, medicine, technology, and
gender has appeared in a range of academic journals including
Contexts, Gender & Society, Feminism &
Psychology, Symbolic Interaction, Sexualities,
and Sociological Inquiry. She is the author of The Rise
of Viagra: How the Little Blue Pill Changed Sex in America
(2004), and a forthcoming book on the oldest old in America.