An important collection of essays which treats Bakhtin as a provocative theorist whose work must be tested, explored and compared with the work of others. Contributors assess Bakhtin’s contribution to difficult issues of colonialism, feminism, reception theory and theories of the body, amongst others. New articles explore the origins, previously unacknowledged, of Bakhtin’s theory of language and provide a vivid account of the dramatic scandal surrounding Bakhtin’s thesis on Rabelais. Contains dramatic new material, drawn from post-perestroika sources, which demythologizes the image of this important writer. A new bibliographical essay and introduction bring the English-language reader up-to-date with the progress of Bakhtin studies in Russia.
1. Bakhtin in the sober light of day (introduction to the revised edition) – Ken Hirschkop
2. ‘Everything else depends on how this business turns out…’: the defence of Mikhail Bakhtin’s dissertation as real event, as high drama, and as academic comedy – Nikolai Pan’kov
3. Not the novel: Bakhtin, poetry, truth, God – Graham Pechey
4. From phenomenology to dialogue: Max Scheler’s phenomenological tradition and Mikhail Bakhtin’s development from ‘Towards a philosophy of the act’ to his study of Dostoevsky – Brian Poole
5. Bakhtin and the reader- David Shepherd
6. Dialogic subversion: Bakhtin, the novel and Gertrude Stein – Nancy Glazener
7. Bakhtin and the history of language – Tony Crowley
8. Bodymattters: self and other in Bakhtin, Sartre and Barthes – Ann Jefferson
9. Bakhtin, Schopenhauer, Kundera – Terry Eagleton
10. Bibliographical essay – Carol Adlam
Over de auteur
David Shepherd is Professor of Russian and Director of the Bakhtin Centre at the University of Sheffield