A presentation of four years of close observation of research and knowledge transfer practices in a university. It attempts to contextualise knowledge transfer within the arts and humanities, as well as situate learning about the reception and adoption of it by the individual scholar and the organisation in which they operate.
The Humanities Value Chain: A Historical Survey Current Reflections: The Research Economy 2000-2005 Creativity Research In The East Midlands (Creem): A Case Study A New Ethnography: Building and Combining Methodologies The Individual As The Engaged Arts Scholar The Organisation: University As ‘Ideas Factory’? KT Enablers: Supporting and Identifying Impacts
Over de auteur
LISA MOONEY SMITH Director of Research at the University of Lincoln, UK, and is best known for her work on the study of collaborative research practices and interdisciplinary research methodology. She has worked in Higher Education for over twenty years, teaching and researching on interdisciplinary scholarship and business engagement.