A multidisciplinary analysis of the role of values and virtue in public administration, this book calls for a rediscovery of virtue. It explores ways of enabling the public sector to balance the values that are presently dominant with classic values such as accountability, representation, equality, neutrality, transparency and the public interest.
Introduction to Value and Virtue in Public Administration; M.S de Vries & Pan S. Kim Governance and Values in Contemporary Public Service; C.Garofalo Public Virtue Approaches; B.Tholen Ethics and Globalization in Historical Perspective: The Relevance of Socrates in our Days; D.Argyriades The Cultural-Economic Perspective on Values and Virtues; E.de Jong The Social Psychology Perspective on Values and Virtues; I.Sobis & M.S. de Vries The Institutional Perspective on Values and Virtues; E.Ostrom & V.Ostrom Public Administration as a Menetype B: Re-discovering Trichotomies; B.Cutting & A.Kouzmin Contemporary Trends and Dilemmas of Administrative Ethics in the Developing World; M.Shamsul Haque The Value Profile of Civil Servants in New European Democracies through the Lens of Embedded Ethics; J.Palidauskaite The Evil and its Cure: Clientelism, Corruption and their Institutional Remedies in Latin America; C.W.Andrews Perils and Prospects in Four African Countries; M.Sindane Public Sector Value and Virtue and the OECD; C.E.Lynch & T.D.Lynch Values and Virtues in the Japanese Public Sector; H.Kudo Conclusions; M.S de Vries & Pan S. Kim
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CHRISTINA W. ANDREWS Senior Lecturer at the Federal University of São Paulo – Unifesp, Brazil DEMETRIOS ARGYRIADES Graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, and the Sorbonne, France BRUCE CUTTING Policy Advisor to the Australian Government CHARLES GAROFALO Professor of Political Science at Texas State University, USA M. SHAMSUL HAQUE Professor at the Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore EELKE DE JONG Chair in International Economics at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands ALEXANDER KOUZMIN Professor of Management in the School of Commerce and Management at Southern Cross University, Australia, and Adjunct Professor in the School of Management at the University of South Australia HIROKO KUDO Professor in Public Policy and Management at the Faculty of Law and the Graduate School of Public Policy, Chuo University, Japan CYNTHIA E. LYNCH Associate Professor in the MPA Program in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Texas Pan American, USA THOMAS D. LYNCH Professor Emeritus, Louisiana State University, USA and Executive Director of the International Academy of Interfaith Studies ELINOR OSTROM Distinguished Professor, Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science, and Senior Research Director of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, USA and Founding Director, Center for the Study of Institutional Diversity, Arizona State University, USA VINCENT OSTROM Arthur F. Bentley Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Founding Director of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, USA JOLANTA PALIDAUSKAITE Professor in the Public Administration Department at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania ABAKHOLWA MOSES SINDANE Professor and Head of the Department of Public Management of the University of the Free State, South Africa IWONA SOBIS Associated Professor in Public Administration at Gothenburg University, Sweden BERRY THOLEN Assistant Professor in Public Administration at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands