Auteur: Kirsten Hastrup

Jens Adam ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Post Doc) am Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Seine Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre liegen in den Bereichen der Anthropologie des Politischen, anthropologischer Europäisierungsforschung und der Stadtanthropologie. Gemeinsam mit Regina Römhild organisiert er das Labor “Kritische Europäisierungsforschung”. Regina Römhild ist Professorin am Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Zu ihren Schwerpunkten in Forschung und Lehre zählen Migration und Tourismus, post-/migrantische Gesellschaft, Europa und Europäisierung in der Perspektive globaler, postkolonialer Verflechtungen sowie Grenzräume und Grenzregime, insbesondere im Mittelmeerraum. Gemeinsam mit Jens Adam organisiert sie das Labor “Kritische Europäisierungsforschung”. Manuela Bojadzijev ist Professorin für Globalisierte Kulturen an der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg und Gründungsmitglied des Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations-und Migrationsforschung (BIM) der Humboldt-Universität Berlin. Michi Knecht ist Professorin für Ethnologie am Institut für Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaft der Universität Bremen. Sie forscht und publiziert zu den Themen Ethnographie von Reproduktionstechnologien, Wissens-, Wissenschafts- und Technikanthropologie, Naturen Kulturen sowie zu Anonymität, Reziprozität und ethnographischen Methoden. Pawe? Lewicki ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Post Doc) am Lehrstuhl für vergleichende Mitteleuropastudien der Europa-Universität Frankfurt (Oder). Seine Forschungsinteressen umfassen “Europa” und Europäisierung aus postkolonialer und (post)imperialer Perspektive. Diese Themen untersucht er u. A. in Trajektorien der HIV-infizierten Körper von Migrant*innen aus Osteuropa in Berlin und Stockholm. Nurhak Polat ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Post Doc) am Institut für Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaft der Universität Bremen. Nach ihrem Studium am Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Istanbul magistrierte sie am Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie der Universität Wien. Sie promovierte mit einer ethnographischen Fallstudie zur Nutzung und den Implikationen von Reproduktionstechnologien und Biomedizin in der Türkei. Rika Spiekermann (M.A.) war Teil des Lehrforschungsprojekts “Other Europes/Andere Europas” unter der Leitung von Prof. Regina Römhild. Sie forschte in diesem Rahmen zum Thema Bildungsaktivismus und “Parasitäre Wissensräume”. Sie arbeitet derzeit im Verlagswesen.

23 Ebooks door Kirsten Hastrup

Kirsten Hastrup & Frida Hastrup: Waterworlds
In one form or another, water participates in the making and unmaking of people’s lives, practices, and stories. Contributors’ detailed ethnographic work analyzes the union and mutual shaping of wate …
Jens Adam & Regina Römhild: Europa dezentrieren
Vielfältige Krisen bestimmen derzeit die Wahrnehmung Europas. Dieses Buch lädt dazu ein, die brüchige Gegenwart des europäischen Projekts aus dem Blickwinkel seiner wenig beachteten globalen …
Kirsten Hastrup: Other Histories
The historization of anthropology has entailed a radically new view upon history and the nature of history. This collection of papers from the first conference of the newly formed European …
Kirsten Hastrup & Peter Hervik: Social Experience and Anthropological Knowledge
Anthropology poses an explicit challenge to standard notions of scientific knowledge. It claims to produce genuine insights into the workings of culture in general on the basis of individual social …
Kirsten Hastrup & Karen Fog Olwig: Siting Culture
Culture has been subject to critical debate in anthropology during the past decade and this is related to a shift in emphasis from the bounded local culture to transnational cultural flows. At the …
Kirsten (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Hastrup: Anthropology and Nature
On the basis of empirical studies, this book explores nature as an integral part of the social worlds conventionally studied by anthropologists. The book may be read as a form of scholarly ‘edgework, …
Kirsten (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Hastrup: Anthropology and Nature
On the basis of empirical studies, this book explores nature as an integral part of the social worlds conventionally studied by anthropologists. The book may be read as a form of scholarly ‘edgework, …
Kirsten Hastrup & Karen Fog Olwig: Siting Culture
Culture has been subject to critical debate in anthropology during the past decade and this is related to a shift in emphasis from the bounded local culture to transnational cultural flows. At the …
Kirsten Hastrup & Karen Fog Olwig: Siting Culture
Culture has been subject to critical debate in anthropology during the past decade and this is related to a shift in emphasis from the bounded local culture to transnational cultural flows. At the …
Kirsten Hastrup & Peter Hervik: Social Experience and Anthropological Knowledge
Anthropology poses an explicit challenge to standard notions of scientific knowledge. It claims to produce genuine insights into the workings of culture in general on the basis of individual social e …
Kirsten Hastrup & Peter Hervik: Social Experience and Anthropological Knowledge
Anthropology poses an explicit challenge to standard notions of scientific knowledge. It claims to produce genuine insights into the workings of culture in general on the basis of individual social e …
Kirsten Hastrup: Other Histories
The historization of anthropology has entailed a radically new view upon history and the nature of history. This collection of papers from the first conference of the newly formed European …
Kirsten Hastrup: Other Histories
The historization of anthropology has entailed a radically new view upon history and the nature of history. This collection of papers from the first conference of the newly formed European …
Kirsten Hastrup: A Passage to Anthropology
The postmodernist critique of Objectivism, Realism and Essentialism has somewhat shattered the foundations of anthropology, seriously questioning the legitimacy of studying others. By confronting the …
Kirsten Hastrup: A Passage to Anthropology
The postmodernist critique of Objectivism, Realism and Essentialism has somewhat shattered the foundations of anthropology, seriously questioning the legitimacy of studying others. By confronting the …
Kirsten (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Hastrup & Martin (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Skrydstrup: The Social Life of Climate Change Models
Drawing on a combination of perspectives from diverse fields, this volume offers an anthropological study of climate change and the ways in which people attempt to predict its local implications, sho …
Kirsten (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Hastrup & Martin (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Skrydstrup: The Social Life of Climate Change Models
Drawing on a combination of perspectives from diverse fields, this volume offers an anthropological study of climate change and the ways in which people attempt to predict its local implications, sho …
Kirsten Hastrup & Cecilie Rubow: Living with Environmental Change
Climate change is a lived experience of changes in the environment, often destroying conventional forms of subsistence and production, creating new patterns of movement and connection, and transformi …
Kirsten Hastrup & Cecilie Rubow: Living with Environmental Change
Climate change is a lived experience of changes in the environment, often destroying conventional forms of subsistence and production, creating new patterns of movement and connection, and transformi …
Kirsten Hastrup: Early Ethnography in the American Arctic
This book offers a portrait of early ethnographic work in the American Arctic, with a focus on understanding the mutual constitution of the Inuit and their early ethnographers. It draws mainly on a …
Kirsten Hastrup: Early Ethnography in the American Arctic
This book offers a portrait of early ethnographic work in the American Arctic, with a focus on understanding the mutual constitution of the Inuit and their early ethnographers. It draws mainly on a …