Auteur: Klaus Wetzig

Bernd Schmidt received his Ph D in Physics at the State University of St. Petersburg (Russia) in 1976. Since 1994 he has been head of the Process Technology Division at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany. His research interests include semiconductor technology as well as ion implantation and the synthesis of nanostructures. He is author of the specialist book “Silicon Sensors” (1986) and of more than 150 refereed journal papers. Klaus Wetzig received his Ph D (1967) and postdoctoral (1973) degrees in Physics at the TU Dresden, Germany. From 1992 until his retirement in 2006 he was full professor of Materials Analysis at the TU Dresden and research director at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW). His research interests include materials analysis, nanostructures and particle-solid interactions. He is author of several specialist books and of more than 300 refereed journal papers.

2 Ebooks door Klaus Wetzig

Bernd Schmidt & Klaus Wetzig: Ion Beams in Materials Processing and Analysis
A comprehensive review of ion beam application in modern materials research is provided, including the basics of ion beam physics and technology. The physics of ion-solid interactions for ion implant …
Klaus Wetzig & Claus M. Schneider: Metal Based Thin Films for Electronics
This up-to-date handbook covers the main topics of preparation, characterization and properties of complex metal-based layer systems. The authors — an outstanding group of researchers — discuss adv …