Klisala Harrison is Postdoctoral Teaching and Research Fellow in Ethnomusicology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Her recent and upcoming publications include articles in MUSICultures, and McGill-Queen”s University Press” anthology on Aboriginal Canadian music. She serves as Vice-Chairperson of the ICTM”s Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology.Elizabeth MacKinlay is Senior Lecturer in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. She earned doctorates in Ethnomusicology and Education, and has contributed to numerous articles, book chapters and edited works, including Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women”s Music and Dance (2007).Svanibor Pettan is Professor and Chair of the Ethnomusicology Program at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His publications include studies on music in relation to conflict and minorities, and in 2008 he edited a volume of Musicological Annual dedicated entirely to applied ethnomusicology. He serves as Vice-President of the ICTM and Chairperson of its Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology.
5 Ebooks door Klisala Harrison
Klisala Harrison & Elizabeth Mackinlay: Applied Ethnomusicology
Applied ethnomusicology is an approach guided by principles of social responsibility, which extends the usual academic goal of broadening and deepening knowledge and understanding toward solving conc …
Klisala Harrison: Music Downtown Eastside
Music Downtown Eastside draws on two decades of research in one of North America’s poorest urban areas to illustrate how human rights can be promoted through music. Harrison’s examination of how gent …
Klisala Harrison: Music Downtown Eastside
Music Downtown Eastside draws on two decades of research in one of North America’s poorest urban areas to illustrate how human rights can be promoted through music. Harrison’s examination of how gent …
Denis Collins & Klisala Harrison: Aesthetics and Experience in Music Performance
Drawing upon a wide range of scholarly enquiry into early music, queer musicology, ethnomusicology, performance practice, music education and technology, Aesthetics and Experience in Music Performanc …
Katelyn Barney & Brydie-Leigh Bartleet: Musical Islands
The island is a powerful metaphor in everyday speech which extends almost naturally into several academic disciplines, including musicology. Islands are imagined as isolated and unique places where s …