Presents an alternative view about Comfort Women to the prevailing one in the United States, but is well established among intellectuals in Japan. This is a story of misconception which took place with evil intention of a few persons, but spread widely in the world as a wild fire. One promoter was Asahi Newspaper, hither-to highly respected national newspaper of Japan, but which confessed its mistakes in the summer of 2014. This was a significant momentum in changing the view on Comfort Women of many in Japan. This book is dedicated to revising the knowledge on Comfort Women of English- speaking people in light of new developments.
Over de auteur
Author: Koichi Mera, Ph. D. is President of the Global Alliance for Historical Truth which is based in Santa Monica, California. He has Ph. D. from Harvard, and taught economics, international business, and public administration at Harvard, Tsukuba University, Tokyo International University and the University of Southern California, and worked with the World Bank as related to urban development in developing countries. During the past decade he has organized a study group on the history of Japan during the first half of the twentieth century. He is the editor and author of a 2012 book in Japanese Wake up Japanese from the Curse of Douglas Mac Arthur!