The first volume of Quantum Mechanics for Nuclear Structure introduced the reader to the basic elements that underpin the one-body formulation of quantum mechanics. Volume two follows on from its predecessor by examining topics essential for understanding the many-body formulation. The algebraic structure of quantum theory is emphasised throughout as an essential aspect of the mathematical formulation of many-body quantum systems.
1 Representation of rotations
2 Addition of angular momenta and spins
3 Vector and Tensor Operators
4 Identical particles
5 Group theory and quantum mechanics
6 Algebraic structure of quantum mechanics
7 Perturbation theory and the variational method
8 Time-dependent perturbation theory
9 Electromagnetic fields in quantum mechanics
Over de auteur
Kris Heyde is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Ghent University. He continues to work on joint research projects with both experimental and theoretical nuclear physicists. His research interests include learning how collectivity emerges starting from a microscopic point of view, and he has a long-standing interest in the presence of shape coexistence in atomic nuclei, in particular studying the conditions needed to be realized throughout the nuclear mass table. John Wood is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Physics at Georgia Institute of Technology. He continues to collaborate on research projects in both experimental and theoretical nuclear physics. Special research interests include nuclear shapes and systematics of nuclear structure.