Massimo Scaglioni is Full Professor of Media History and Media Economics at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. He is also Adjunct Professor of Transmedia Narratives and Television: Industry and Languages at USI – Università della Svizzera Italiana, in Lugano. He is the co-founder and current Director of Ce.R.T.A. (Research Centre for Television and Audiovisual Media at Università Cattolica) and Director of the Master course “Fare TV. Gestione, Sviluppo, Comunicazione” at ALMED. Massimo Scaglioni is currently co-applicant on the Global Media and Internet Concentration (GMIC) Project, an international research project that has been awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; he has been the Principal Investigator of the three-year research project Cin Cit. International Circulation of Italian Cinema funded by MIUR (PRIN 2015 Program). He has published various volumes on media and broadcasting history and industry both as an author and as an editor, including: La televisione nella pandemia. Intrattenimento, fiction, informazione e sport nell’anno del Covid-19. Annuario 2021 (Carocci, 2021); A European Television Fiction Renaissance: Premium Production Models and Transnational Circulation (Routledge, 2021, with L. Barra); Cinema Made in Italy. La circolazione internazionale dell’audiovisivo italiano (Carocci, 2020), L’altro virus. Comunicazione e disinformazione al tempo del Covid-19 (Vita e Pensiero, 2020, with M. Sala).
3 Ebooks door La Manna
G. La Manna & C. Ronco: Current Perspectives in Kidney Diseases
After years of stagnation, much has been happening in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases. This book contains a comprehensive review of the main developments in AKI, CKD, hemodialysis and …
R. Bellomo & J.A. Kellum: 40 Years of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) started off as an alternative to hemo- or peritoneal dialysis. Today’s machines and techniques are the result of 4 decades of developments, studies, and …
Valerio Alfonso Bruno & Antonio Campati: Dystopian Worlds Beyond Storytelling – Representations of Dehumanized Societies in Literature, Media, and Political Discourses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
In this edited volume, an authoritative collective work produced by the intellectual efforts of more than forty scholars gathered at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan in September 202 …