Auteur: Laura LaurusaitA-

Dr Laura Laurušaitė is a Researcher at the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore and a member of its Group of Baltic Literary Studies. From 2013 to 2015, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. Her main research domain is the Lithuanian and Latvian diaspora and contemporary migration literature. Her theoretical interests involve comparative literature, postcolonialism and imagology. She has published over twenty articles and a monograph, Tarp nostalgijos ir mimikrijos: Lietuvių ir latvių pokario išeivijos romanai [Between Nostalgia and Mimicry: Lithuanian and Latvian Post-war Émigré Novels] (2015).

1 Ebooks door Laura LaurusaitA-

Laura LaurusaitA-: Imagology Profiles
This volume highlights the importance of imagology, one of the most popular areas of research in contemporary comparative studies. It proposes new means of academic analysis to create critical attitu …